The Adoption Process
You control the process and we’re here to support you every step of the way.
Getting Started
Select a Family
Planning for the Hospital
You get to decide how your time at the hospital will be spent, and we will help you through what to expect. After the baby is born, Texas law requires you wait at least two days (48 hours) before you can permanently transfer your parental rights and legally move forward with the adoption. During those two days, your Adoption Specialist will be with you to provide ongoing support, and the adoptive family is usually there too unless you prefer a different arrangement. The key decisions are yours. You can decide to spend time alone with the baby. Or you can share some of your time with the adoptive family. Or you can allow the adoptive family to spend all the time with the baby. It’s entirely up to you. No matter what you decide, we’ll be there to support you.
What Happens Next?
What happens after the adoption depends on the type of adoption plan you choose for yourself. Most moms choose to remain in contact with the adoptive family. That contact may be indirect, involving pictures and letter updates. Or it may involve personal visits. Again, these are your choices—made in advance, and a reflection of what you want for yourself and your baby. Whatever you choose, we will continue providing you with support for as long as you need us. We’re here for you. We always will be.