You’ve had to process a lot of new information as you’ve researched and prepared for adoption; but it has all been worth it because you want nothing more than to complete your family. Now, you’ve reached one of the most important stages: the home study for adoption.
Like many other parts of the adoption process, it can be difficult to understand what to expect from a home study. This is very likely the first time you’ve gone through this, and if you’re like most adoptive parents, your anxiety during this process is pretty high.
We’re here to help. With this home study checklist and the many other resources at Texas Adoption Center, you will find everything you need to get through the adoption home study and into the next phase: getting to know your new family. Read on to learn more or reach out to Texas Adoption Center for assistance.
What is a Home Study for Adoption?
Before we dive into adoption home study tips, we should make sure we know exactly what a home study for adoption is. In short, a home study is meant to make sure your family and home will provide a safe environment for the child you are hoping to adopt.
It’s a process. It involves a lot of preparation — which we will cover in much more detail in the sections below — a visit to your home, and a written report that summarizes the whole thing.
No matter where you are or who you are, if you hope to adopt a child, you will have to go through a home study and show that you are prepared to provide a safe, loving home for your adoptive child.
The Adoption Home Study Checklist
So now you know what a home study for adoption is, but how, exactly, do you prepare for one? Follow this adoption home study checklist, and you’ll be more than ready.
Prepare for the Cost of a Home Study for Adoption
One of the first steps you can take to prepare for an adoption home study is understanding how much the home study and any supplementing reports will cost and making sure you will have room in your household budget. Expect to pay somewhere between $1,000 and $5,000 in total.
Get a Health Screening
Before your home study for adoption, you are going to need to prove that you and any other adoptive parent are healthy enough to care for a child. You do this by getting a health screening sometime in the year leading up to the home study.
In this health report, adoption specialists are looking for health conditions that might impact your life expectancy or ability to provide adequate care. So, if you have managed high blood pressure, you shouldn’t have any issues. But if you have a terminal illness, this may present a roadblock in your adoption process. Most agencies will walk you through this process and have a medical form you will provide to your doctor for a health assessment.
Fill Out Your Background Check Forms
Your adoption center will send you forms to fill out that will enable them to run a criminal background check on you. It’s not difficult to understand why this might be relevant — adoption agencies need to make sure that you don’t have a history of violent crime or crimes involving children. Fill out the forms with plenty of time to spare so there’s adequate time to complete the check.
Provide Your Financials
As part of the home study process, you will need to demonstrate your financial situation. If that makes you feel anxious right away, don’t worry. What adoption agencies are really looking to see is that you make enough money to support your family.
In other words, you don’t have to be pulling in six figures to adopt a child. In fact, you may even qualify for financial assistance related to the adoption.
Make Copies of Your Important Documents
Think about any legal document that might be relevant to your adoption, write it down and make a copy of it. This might include your birth certificate, marriage certificate, or a divorce decree, etc. The purpose of these documents is to back up what you have said about yourself as an adoptive parent.
Write Your Story
Not all adoption centers ask you to write an autobiographical statement, but many will. This is not a trap — they really want to get to know you and your family better. They want you to briefly cover who you are, where you come from, what’s important to you, and why you want to adopt. If you’re having trouble getting started, reach out to your caseworker. They may offer a set of guided questions to help you decide what to write about.
Gather Some References
This is a key part of any adoption home study checklist: Get your references in order and don’t think you’ll get away with asking all of your family members. You need real references from people who aren’t related to you, such as employers, church leaders, teachers, and similar people.
Usually, you’ll need three or four references. You will need to provide their names, phone numbers, and addresses to your adoption agency. From there, your agency may call them to discuss you or your family as they write the home study report.
Get Buy-In from Your Family
Everybody in your home needs to agree to the home study interview before it actually happens. Why? Because sometimes home studies can bring up painful details about your family life or things that some people may not have fully realized. It’s going to be important that this doesn’t upset anyone in your household too much.
So, take the time to sit down with everyone this home study will affect and make sure they are OK with the home study process moving forward.
Do the Interviews
With all of the previous steps completed, you’re ready for the interview — the part where the home study specialist talks to you about your life, motivations, values, and why you want to adopt. Be honest and participate. The adoption agency wants to see that you are engaged with the process and providing an honest assessment of who you are.
Have the Home Visit
A home study for adoption also includes a visit to your home. This is where someone actually comes to your home to ensure it’s safe for a child. They’re looking at things like the amount of space you have for each child, whether you have working smoke alarms, whether any guns in the home are properly secured, and whether you have any other dangerous conditions on the premises, etc.
Need Help With a Home Study for Adoption?
If that sounds like a lot of work, that’s because it is a lot of work. But in the end, the preparation is more than worth the reward. And there’s good news: You can make the entire home study for adoption process easier by reaching out to Texas Adoption Center.
Our experienced and friendly team is ready to walk you through every step of the home study process, starting by sending you the forms you need to get the whole process going. We’ll be by your side from that moment until the day your adoption is finalized.
If that sounds good, it’s time to reach out. You can fill out our online contact form to reach us, but please feel free to call 512-893-7943, text 361-461-3742, or email hello@texasadoptioncenter.org to reach us, too.