Did you just find out you are having a baby with a friend with benefits? If so, you are not alone! More and more young people are in FWB relationships, and these intimate relationships often lead to unexpected pregnancies.
If you are pregnant by your FWB, don’t stress! There is a wealth of emotional and financial support available to help you during this time. This article will talk about how to tell your friend with benefits you are pregnant, the options you have with your pregnancy, and how to find the right support at every step of your journey. Let’s dive right in!
I Am Pregnant by My Friend with Benefits! Now What?
Friends with benefits is a popular relationship term today as more and more individuals want the connection of an intimate relationship without the commitment.
So, what happens when you find out you are having a baby with a friend with benefits? Believe it or not, it happens more than you think, and why wouldn’t it? Having a sexual relationship with your friend, there is always the chance for an unexpected pregnancy. So, what happens next?
Once the initial shock of finding out you are pregnant wears off, it’s important to remember that your life isn’t over! Still, there are several steps you may need to take to make the best decision for your future.
How Do I Tell My FWB that We Are Having a Baby?
The first thing you’ll want to do is talk to your FWB about the pregnancy. The best way to tell your friend about your pregnancy is to be straightforward.
It might be a scary and confusing time for you both, but you should try your best to be understanding of one another’s feelings. Discuss the emotions you are experiencing and what you need for emotional support. Remember, you were friends going into this and there’s no reason you can’t remain friends through the process.
Once you’ve had your initial discussion about being pregnant, you’ll need to talk about your options going forward.
What Options Do I Have When Having a Baby with a Friend with Benefits?
As with any other pregnancy, you have several options when it comes to your pregnancy journey. This includes:
Choosing Parenting
One option you have is to choose to parent. For some women, deciding to parent is the best choice. For others, parenting is not something they are ready or able to do under their current life circumstances. Before you choose this option, think of the ways parenting will change your life. You’ll have to put some plans on hold to be there for your child. Is this the best option for you at this time?
You should also talk to your FWB to discuss their feelings on choosing to parent. Be honest with your expectations, but also be open to hearing what they have to say. Do you have the support system you need to parent a child? Will your FWB be willing to support and provide for the child?
And, while it’s great to lean on each other during this time, it’s also okay if you need to talk to someone else about how you are feeling.
Placing the Baby for Adoption
Placing the baby for adoption is another viable option. By deciding to place your baby for adoption, you are making a brave and selfless decision to put the needs of your child above all else.
If you choose adoption, you have the freedom to create an adoption plan that works for you. Some individuals want a closed adoption to help them through the emotional impact of the process. Others choose an open adoption to stay connected to their child.
If you feel that placing your baby for adoption is the best decision, find a local adoption center to help you through the process. You’ll be paired with an adoption specialist who can provide you with the emotional and financial support and resources you need to help you through the process.
Discuss this option with your FWB. If you both feel comfortable, invite them to come with you to meet with your adoption center. Whether you decide to proceed with the adoption or look more closely at another option, you’ll get all the information you need about the adoption process at your meeting.
Terminating the Pregnancy
Another option is to terminate the pregnancy. This is an emotional choice that you should not take lightly. Since terminating the pregnancy involves a medical procedure, be sure you talk to your doctor before deciding, and reach out to your local adoption center for more advice and support with your decision.
Contact Texas Adoption Center for Supportive Resources for Your Unplanned Pregnancy
Having a baby with a friend with benefits might seem complicated, but it’s no different than any other unexpected pregnancy.
Texas Adoption Center is here to help you make the best decision for you and your baby’s future. Whether you need help finding financial support or want to talk to someone about the pros and cons of each option, we’re here to help. Our supportive, compassionate team has helped countless women get the emotional support they need throughout their pregnancy journey.
If you are pregnant by your friend with benefits, contact us online today to get the resources and advice you need. Even if it’s a shoulder to cry on, you can call or text us anytime at (512) 893-7943 to take advantage of our multitude of supportive services.