4 Adoption Stories in the Bible

bible adoption stories

If you’re thinking of placing your baby for adoption then you’re sure to have a million questions racing through your mind. However, as with much of life, answers can be found in the Bible. This is especially when it comes to beautiful adoption stories in the Bible.

When looking at the Old and New Testament, we can clearly see God’s heart for adoption and orphans. Heartwarming stories of adoption are woven throughout Scripture, from the Book of Esther to the story of Jesus’ birth. With that being said, let’s take a look at four instances of adoption stories in the Bible and the powerful lessons we can learn from them.

Moses in the Book of Exodus

Moral: Although adoption may be hard, it may be the BEST choice for you and your child.

The Pharaoh had ordered the killing of every Hebrew son. Fearful for her son’s life, Jochebed hid baby Moses. However, when she could no longer hide her son anymore, she had to come up with a plan to save her precious child. Trusting that God would help her and save Moses, she placed him in a basket made of bulrushes and placed him on the bank of the Nile.

As hoped, the daughter of the Pharaoh found the little one when she came to wash at the river. She took the baby into her family to raise him as her own, giving him the name Moses. Later on, Moses grew to be a faithful servant of God. He is most commonly known for leading the Exodus of the Israelites out of Egypt and across the Red Sea where he then received the ten commandments.

We can see from the tale of Moses that even though Jochebed’s decision was not easy, she knew what the best choice was for her son. Because of her brave decision, Moses went on to serve God and his people as an important leader and prophet.

Esther Transforms from Orphan to Queen

Moral: Adoption can give your child his or her BEST chance.

Tragedy struck Esther at an early age. Following the death of both parents, she became an orphan. Luckily for Esther, her cousin, Mordecai, invited her into his family through adoption. At this point, she was given a new chance at life.

Years down the road, she ended up falling in love and marrying the king who was enchanted by her beauty. However, after a disagreement with Mordecai, the king decided to not only assassinate Mordecai, but also, the entire Jewish community.

At this point, Esther was forced to bravely plead with her husband to spare her people. She knew that simply going before the king without invitation might mean losing her own life. But, after pleading for the safety of the Jewish people, the king listened to her and removed the death sentence.

In this story, we see how God was able to work through Esther and bring deliverance to the Jewish people. All of this would not have been possible if it were not for Mordecai. Without the love of her adopted parent, Esther wouldn’t have been given a fair chance and could not have freed her people years later.

Joseph Accepted Jesus As His Own

Moral: The right adoptive parents will LOVE your child as their own.

In Matthew 1:18, Jesus was born from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary. Even though Jesus was not his own, Joseph adopted Jesus as if he was. Together he and Mary raised Jesus Christ and became part of the story that changed the world.

In Joseph’s faithfulness and obedience to the Lord, he cared for, supported, and loved baby Jesus just as a natural father would. In this incredible example, we see the extent to which an adoptive parent loves an adopted child as their own.

God Adopts Us Into His Spiritual Family

Moral: The Bible is the greatest story of adoption!

Ephesians 1:5 “God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great delight.”

The story of the Bible is the story of adoption. We are all adopted into God’s spiritual family as a chosen child of God. We are welcomed with open arms and feel the love of His family. In this way, the Bible directly uses adoption as a picture of what God has done for us.

In conclusion, when looking to find adoption stories in the Bible, we find that many individuals have had a calling to either place their baby for adoption or adopt a child of their own. As mentioned earlier, God’s heart for adoption and orphans is seen clearly throughout Scripture.

If you are thinking about placing your baby for adoption, speak to an Adoption Specialist at Texas Adoption Center. Here, we will empower and support you in making the best choice for you and your baby. Call us at 512.518.6171 or text us at 361-461-3742 at any time!

10 Best Nonprofits in San Antonio TX

best nonprofits san antonio tx

Over the years, we have seen a huge surge in the number of nonprofits popping up around Texas. It seems that quality services are overflowing through several local nonprofits in San Antonio, especially for the youth of the city.

Whether it’s an adoption center or a childhood grief program… these are the nonprofits making an impact. Today, we’re going to recognize a few of these powerful causes. For more on each organization, look at the links below.

1. Texas Adoption Center

Texas Adoption Center is one of the top adoption centers in the state. They serve several cities across Texas and are known for the commitment and love they show to each birth mother and family that walk in the door.

After contacting Texas Adoption Center, an Adoption Specialist is able to care for and support any birth mother going through an unplanned pregnancy. They carefully listen to the wants and needs of each mother to design an adoption plan specifically for them.

Because of this, birth mothers are able to find a loving and caring family for their baby. Texas Adoption Center turns an otherwise tricky situation into a beautiful experience for both the birth mother and the adoptive family.

Learn more about Texas Adoption Center »

2. SAReads

SAReads is part of Literacy San Antonio, Inc. They teach children to read by encouraging teachers to use the Science-Based Reading Instruction (SBRI). As a result of this, the performance of students with the risk of reading failure is improved. In the end, their goal is to improve the reading level for children in Texas as a whole.

Learn more about SAReads »

3. The Children’s Shelter

The Children’s Shelter is a trauma-informed, care-certified organization that provides a safe home for children. They provide holistic solutions for abused and neglected children. The services available include shelters and foster care, in addition to recovery and mental health treatment.

Learn more about The Children’s Shelter »

4. Inspire A Child USA

In some cases, the hours between 3:00 and 6:00 pm can create a vulnerable time in which children could fall prey to various negative influences. This includes anything from drug and gang involvement to possible neglect and abuse, or even child abduction.

Inspire A Child USA hosts a safe afterschool program for at-risk youth, offered to schools at no cost. Now, while parents are still working, children have a safe place to spend afterschool hours.

Learn more about Inspire a Child USA »


JOVEN promises a better future for children ages 5 to 17 years old. Their focus is on building resiliency and developing personal character. Well-structured programs to prevent and intervene with drug abusers are also available.

Learn more about JOVEN »

6. Children’s Bereavement Center of South Texas

It’s hard to help a child through grief, especially if the parent is also struggling through tragedy. Children’s Bereavement Center of South Texas is a nonprofit that offers grief support for these children. This is done through counseling services, supportive groups, and ongoing education.

Learn more about the Children’s Bereavement Center of South Texas »

7. SA Youth

SA Youth focuses on helping children from low-income families in San Antonio. The goal is for at-risk youth to receive the support they need to complete high school and head into workforce training. This enables them to develop their character and lead a healthy lifestyle as well.

Learn more about SA Youth »

8. ChildSafe

One in four girls and one in six boys will be sexually abused before they turn 18. Because of this, Childsafe now seeks to confront this disturbing issue. They hope to do this by restoring hope, trust, and dignity for abused and neglected children through specialized services and expert care.

Learn more about ChildSafe »

9. Any Baby Can

Any Baby Can provides assistance and support to any family with an in-need child. They provide equal support to children with a chronic illness, disability, developmental delay, or health risk. With this support, children are given the resources they need to feel accepted, supported, and loved.

Learn more about Any Baby Can »

10. New Beginnings Children’s Home

Abused, neglected, or displaced children from ages 5 to 17 years old need a safe refuge. New Beginnings Children’s Home serves as this haven. The children here receive the necessary care and support to recover, grow, and prepare for family reunification.

Because of New Beginnings Children’s Home, kids can now overcome the pain of neglect through loving compassion.

Learn more about New Beginnings Children’s Home »

Best Nonprofits in San Antonio

When it comes to supporting and serving the community in San Antonio, there seems to be no shortage in the number of nonprofits scattered across the city. This is especially true with regard to the various local nonprofits that serve the city’s youth. In conclusion, from loving adoption centers to afterschool programs, San Antonio truly has some of the best.

Texas Adoption Center

For birth mothers who are expecting a child and are considering adoption, Texas Adoption Center is the perfect option. Our judgment-free Adoption Specialists are available at any time to listen to your unique story and help you find the best solution for you and your baby.

To get in touch with an Adoption Specialist, call us anytime at 512-893-7943 or send us a text at 361-461-3742.

10 Best Nonprofits in Amarillo, TX

best nonprofits amarillo tx

Inspiring work is being done every single day to improve our streets and help our neighbors. If you haven’t already, take a look around. There are so many nonprofits in just Texas alone! In fact, some of the top nonprofits in Amarillo may be just around the corner from you.

Considering this, we’ve found an especially high number of nonprofits that hope to create a more beautiful world for the children of Amarillo. Today, we’re going to highlight some of these powerful causes.

From a lovely adoption center to a creative snack startup… these are the Top 10 best nonprofits in Amarillo that are making an impact. For more information on each organization, follow the links below.

1. Texas Adoption Center

Texas Adoption Center is an adoption center that serves birth mothers in any corner of Texas, including Amarillo. They offer down to earth support and care for any birth mother that walks in the door, focusing on their happiness and wellbeing. 

Known as one of the top adoption centers in Texas, they even offer financial support to mothers who are struggling to make ends meet. At Texas Adoption Center, birth mothers are encouraged to see the beauty in adoption, find a loving home for their baby, and be supported unconditionally.

Learn more about Texas Adoption Center »

2. High Plains Children’s Home

For children and adults with special needs who have been orphaned, neglected, abused, or taken advantage of, High Plains Children’s Home gives them a second chance. Here, they will be nurtured and encouraged to live with love and service to others.

Learn more about the High Plains Children’s Home »

3. Buckner Children & Family Services

Buckner’s Amarillo location offers a wide range of support to families and children in the area. They provide resources to families hoping to become foster parents, connect foster children with a loving family, and offer transitional programs for teens aging out of foster care. They even help single-parent families live in a safe environment while completing educational or vocational goals. 

Learn more about the Buckner Children & Family Services »

4. Family Support Services

Family Support Services of Amarillo agency is a unique nonprofit organization which serves almost 25,000 people annually. Their tagline “Restoring Hope. Reviving Hearts. Rebuilding Lives.” perfectly sums up the work they do every day.

They provide assistance to anyone who is struggling and in need. From counseling and Veteran support to crisis response and providing an emergency safe house, Family Support Services truly strives to help anyone.

Learn more about the Family Support Services »

5. Amarillo Children’s Home

The Amarillo Children’s home exists to give a home, security, and support to kids needing an accepting place to live. Striving for generational change through children, they opened their doors in 1924 after seeing three homeless, orphaned kids crying outside of a church. Almost a century later, it is known as one of the best nonprofits in Amarillo TX.

Learn more about the Amarillo Children’s Home »


CASA gives neglected children an advocate to speak up for them in court, at school, or in the community. Usually, CASA volunteers are there to tell the judge their unbiased opinion that is in the best interest of the child.  

Their overall vision is to be able to appoint a CASA volunteer to any endangered child and help find them a permanent and loving environment.

Learn more about CASA »

7. Snack Pak 4 Kids

Almost 1 in 4 kids in Texas is food insecure. Although children are able to receive breakfast and lunch at school, many go hungry over the weekend.

Because of this, Snack Pak 4 Kids is a unique food program which fights childhood hunger. Every Friday, children in need are able to take a nutritious Snack Pak home with them so that they can eat over the weekend. They can then go back to school on Monday mornings, ready to learn.

Learn more about Snack Pak 4 Kids »

8. Martha’s Home

Martha’s Home provides a hand up rather than a handout and helps women and children rebuild their lives. They provide safety and security to homeless single-parent families by providing a temporary home, education, and job opportunities.

Learn more about Martha’s Home »

9. Storybridge

2 out of 3 low-income households do not have a single children’s book in their home. For these children, not having access to books makes it increasingly difficult to be successful in school.

Storybridge aims to give at-risk youth books to call their own. They believe that through books, children can learn to tackle their hardships and work towards a happier life.

Learn more about Storybridge »

10. High Plains Food Bank Kids Café

This is a new type of program which offers daily meals for any at-risk child. They prepare and distribute nutritious and healthy food to all children for free in an attempt to combat childhood hunger in Amarillo.

Learn more about High Plains Food Bank Kids Café »

Best Nonprofits in Amarillo TX

When it comes to showing love and support to local children and families, Amarillo seems to have it all. Whether you are looking to donate to a nonprofit organization, volunteer your time, or even receive assistance, there are more than enough nonprofits to choose from.

With that being said, if you are a mother experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, keep Texas Adoption Center in mind. We’re a non-judgmental and empathetic group of women who would love to help you take control over your decisions. We will help you to understand your unique situation and be an advocate for any choice you decide to make.

Call us at 512-893-7943 or send us a text at 361-461-3742. We’re happy to take your call anytime.

I Don’t Want To Be Pregnant- What Should I Do?

i dont want to be pregnant

So, you just found out you’re pregnant. Maybe you’ve known for a while but the more you think about it, the more you realize you don’t want to be pregnant.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath. It’s okay. Your thoughts may be swirling in your mind at a mile a minute. You may not know what to do about your pregnancy and you may not feel comfortable talking to anyone about it. The good news is, you’ve come to the right place.

Millions of women just like you have experienced the very same feelings you feel. Nearly half of all pregnancies were unintended between 2009 and 2013, according to data collected for a CDC study. You are not alone. And, even though it may not feel like it, you are in control.

Here’s what you need to know if you’re thinking to yourself, I don’t want to be pregnant:

You don’t have to be a mother if you don’t want to be. Additionally, you don’t have to be pregnant if you don’t want to be. You have options and the right to choose what’s best for you and your child.


Raising a baby isn’t easy, but, it can be an amazing journey. Being a parent is a long-term commitment, too, requiring your time, finances, love and attention.

Nevertheless, motherhood can still be an option for you. An unplanned pregnancy can be daunting. Scary. Heartbreaking, even. But, if you choose to embark on the journey of motherhood, there are resources available for you.


You do have the option to end your pregnancy. Abortion can be a touchy subject. However, when it comes to your life and your baby’s life, it doesn’t have to be a political issue. Still, ending your pregnancy is huge step and cannot be undone.

If you are considering getting an abortion, know that you are not alone. Try not to rush your decision. Instead, take the time to learn about all of your options. Know that you are free to make the best decision for your life and for your baby. It can be difficult to talk about considering abortion, but our Texas Adoption Center specialists would love to walk alongside you and support you as you make your decision.


You don’t have to be a parent and your child can live an incredible life with a loving family. Adoption is a beautiful thing and can be an incredible option for pregnant women who aren’t ready to become mothers.

Our Texas Adoption Center specialists have seen the joy that adoption can bring firsthand and would love to give you more information. Our staff is ready and willing to stand by you and support you in whatever ways we can throughout your pregnancy.

Don’t have an adoptive family in mind? We can help with that and have access to amazing families who will welcome your child with open arms. We have the knowledge and resources to make the adoption process as smooth as possible for you. But, most of all, we genuinely care about you.

We’re here to help YOU create a beautiful future for yourself and your baby. Contact us today to learn more.