unplanned pregnancy advice

Unplanned Pregnancy Advice: 5 Tips For Coping 

Know Your Options

Are you facing an unplanned pregnancy?  If so, you have a number of options.  You may choose to parent the baby yourself.  You may choose to pursue an adoption.  You may choose to have an abortion. Or you may choose to rely on a friend or family member to take care of the baby.  The best advice is to take your time in considering these options, so that you can make the right decision for you and your child.  You may find it helpful to gather information online, or to talk with a trusted friend or family member, or to seek professional advice from a local agency or a pregnancy resource center.

Take Your Time 

Even though nine months can seem short, you have time to decide what you want for your baby’s future. Don’t feel rushed if you are unsure about your decision.  It takes time to collect information, discuss and consider your options, and move forward with a decision. Don’t underestimate the power of a simple pros and cons list of each option! Sometimes writing down your thoughts and evaluating your options on paper can be a huge help.

Talk to Someone You Trust

While you are going through the process of deciding on next steps, it’s often helpful to talk to someone close to you, someone you especially trust—a friend, for example, or a family member.  If you have a few people you can rely upon, do that.  They know you, they know your situation, they have your best interests at heart, and you can learn a lot—and get a good sense of what is right for you—by just discussing things with them and thinking through your options.

Connect With a Professional

While its important to talk to someone close to you, connecting with a professional can often be very helpful as well—because it is a professional’s job to be deeply informed and knowledgeable, and there is really no substitute for that.  So please feel free to contact us.  Even if you’re not sure about adoption, we can help you gather all of the information you need to make an informed decision.  And as we do that, we will provide you with support and understanding.  We know what you’re going through, and we want to help you make a decision that you are happy and comfortable with—whatever decision that may be.  We are here for you.

Talk to a Birth Mom

Many women in your situation are not familiar with adoption, and they don’t know how to decide whether it is right for them.  For that reason, connecting with someone who has been through a pregnancy and chosen adoption can be very enlightening.  You may or may not choose this option for yourself.  But as you think about your choices, talking to such a birth mom can help you better understand the process—and see that being pregnant doesn’t mean that you need to become a parent, if you feel you’re not ready.  We want what is best for you, whatever that may be.  The choice is yours.  If you would like to speak with a birth mom who has gone through the adoption process, we would be happy to connect you with someone!

For more information or to speak to one of our Adoption Specialists, visit our website. Be sure to follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter!

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