infertility grief

For many couples hoping to start a family, infertility is a difficult experience that can generate strong emotions, concerns, and periods of grief.

Understand that there is no shame in experiencing infertility grief. Learning how to cope with infertility sadness is the best way to move forward in your family aspirations. In this blog, we’ll take you through the stages of grief and provide you with guidelines so you can explore a possible next step forward from infertility to adoption.

The Stages of Infertility

It is vital to realize that every couple experiences infertility grief differently and sometimes in a nonlinear process. With these in mind, here are the 5 stages of infertility grief to be aware of.


Denialism means refusing to accept a fertility condition. Couples in this stage usually find themselves thinking that this isn’t happening or simply refuse to believe their condition. The emotions after a medical diagnosis may become too difficult to bear, meaning you may refuse to accept that you are going through infertility struggles. For many couples, the reality of the situation is hard to grasp during this stage.


Once you accept your infertility, you may find yourself experiencing strong negative emotions. Anger can come in many different forms and may become directed at your friends, doctor, or  spouse. While these emotions are understandable, don’t let them cloud your judgment as you try to navigate through these challenging circumstances.


Bargaining is essentially an attempt to find a cure or change an infertility status. You may be tempted to try different treatments, change your diets, seek online expertise, or modify your lifestyles as an attempt to have a baby. 


When feelings of sadness intensify, infertility depression may set in. After an infertility diagnosis, couples may experience a wide variety of mental health challenges. These include feelings of hopelessness, a loss of pleasure, and low energy. While depression is a natural process, it is vital not to let persistent sadness take over your life. The key is to acknowledge that you are going through a difficult time.


Acceptance is the final stage of coping with infertility. This is where you come to terms with your condition. With a fresh mindset, a support system, and clarity, couples start to seek solutions. These include alternative treatments, adoption options, or accepting a childless life. Keep in mind that infertility grief can re-emerge, even after adopting a child. However, couples in this stage have an easier time dealing with these feelings.        

How To Cope With Infertility

Understanding the stages of grief is a crucial part of grieving infertility. Here are some helpful coping tips.

Acknowledge Your Emotions

The first step is to understand that strong emotions are completely normal. In such a delicate situation, experiencing the loss associated with infertility will undoubtedly produce some form of emotional and physical distress. When this happens, don’t hide your emotions. Remain open and acknowledge your strong feelings without blaming yourself. 

Work With Your Partner

It is common to want to blame your partner for any possible misgivings. Avoid this temptation at all costs. By establishing an open communication pattern with your partner, you can help each other deal with complex emotions and deal with infertility struggles together. Furthermore, you can strengthen the relationship you have with one another.  

Manage Your Stress

Take some time to find productive ways to alleviate infertility stress. Exercising, journaling, meditating, and eating healthy are all things that can help keep you in balance in your self-care routine. Everyone will have a different outlet. The key is to stabilize your emotions so you can practice self-empowerment. 

Find a Support Group

Consider reaching out to a support group that understands your experience and offers compassionate consultation. Whether it’s your friends, family members, or other couples who’ve experienced fertility issues, opening up about your experience with others will help alleviate feelings of isolation.

Never Blame Yourself

Accepting your infertility means understanding that some things are beyond your control. Never blame yourself for the situation. In most cases, infertility happens due to a variety of factors. Remain positive as you focus your efforts and energy on finding other ways to grow your   family, if that is what you choose.

Ready For Adoption? Contact Texas Adoption Center

Infertility is not the end of the journey. If you and your partner are ready to explore adoption options, Texas Adoption Center is here to help. Our adoption services are designed with a personalized touch to ensure that you make the best decision for your family goals. We walk with you through every step of the way to starting your family.

Contact us to speak with a professional or call us at (512) 893-7943.

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