I Don’t want a baby but i’m pregnant.

When you first learn of an unplanned pregnancy, you may feel a complicated mix of emotions — shocked, confused, scared, overwhelmed — and the list goes on. You may even find yourself thinking, “I don’t want a baby and I’m pregnant.” Every woman reacts differently to the news of their pregnancy, and this reaction is totally okay.

Although we cannot give you an exact answer of what to do next, we can equip you with information so that you can make the best decision for you and your baby. And fortunately, there are a few different options available!

The most important part of this decision-making process is to remain open to different options, think things through, consider both yourself and your baby’s wellbeing, and trust that you know what is best.

You are not alone. Others have experienced what you are feeling and gotten through the challenges. We have helped women who approached us, saying:

  • “I don’t want a baby, but I’m pregnant.”
  • “I don’t want to be pregnant and don’t know what to do.”
  • “I’m pregnant and need to know my options.”

If you relate to any of these concerns, read on for information and assistance on the next steps.


While you may feel scared right now, choosing to parent is an option. For some, an unexpected pregnancy transforms their life for the better. They look back on the fear and uncertainty that arose when they first learned of the pregnancy. When looking back on those thoughts of, “I don’t want to be pregnant”, they realize that the child is the greatest gift they have received.

While being a parent is a huge responsibility, it is also a beautiful experience. But, there is a lot to consider before choosing this option.

Costs of Parenting

First, consider the cost of parenting. It is estimated to cost $233,610 to raise a child to the age of 18. This does not take into account the amount of time and emotional energy it takes to raise a child.

Support System

Also, consider how strong your support system is. Does the father want to be involved? Do you have other family or friends that will support you and help with childcare?

Your Personal Goals

It’s also important to think about your goals and the way a child fits into the picture. Some pregnant women realize that pursuing educational and career goals would be too challenging with a child.

Pregnant and Don’t Want the Baby?

A parent has a loving and beautiful role in a child’s life. But you do not have to become one if you are not ready. You may have recently discovered you’re pregnant and still feel that you do not want to parent. 

If you are unsure of what to do, an Adoption Specialist from Texas Adoption Center would be happy to talk to you and sort through parenthood’s pros and cons. That way, you can have a feeling of confidence and peace in knowing that you chose the best option.

Terminating the Pregnancy When You Don’t Want a Baby

If you are pregnant and don’t want the baby, terminating the pregnancy may be another option. This is a hard topic to discuss and a hard option to consider. Nonetheless, it is an option that may be available to you. However, it is also an option that must be given appropriate consideration before the final decision is made.

If you are stressed and anxious and can only think, “I don’t want to be pregnant,” take time to calm down and fully consider this option. You mustn’t make this permanent decision in a rushed state when emotions are running high.

Here are some ways to learn more about this option and what it involves.

  • Speak to your support (trusted relatives, friends, pastor, counselor, etc.)
  • Consult with your doctor
  • Research information about the procedure

Take an adequate amount of time to gather information and make an informed decision, as it is a permanent one.

Also, look at your local laws to understand your options better. This is a decision only you can make, and it is a deeply personal one. Some women decide, “I don’t want to be pregnant, but I don’t want an abortion.” If you feel this way, there are alternatives to abortion that may work for you.

Generally, people do not like to talk about abortion, but we approach the subject respectfully and intentionally. It’s not a decision that can be undone and shouldn’t be taken lightly. We arm you with resources, counseling, and judgment-free support.


Last but not least, adoption is another choice. It should first be addressed that giving up your baby for adoption is not actually “giving up.” Rather, when you are placing your baby for adoption, you allow their story to be continued with a loving family that you hand-selected. It’s a beautiful beginning to a lovely story and can give your baby a life of opportunities.

Choose At Any Time

Additionally, adoption provides you with choices. You can choose adoption at any point in your pregnancy and can even make a choice after you deliver. An Adoption Specialist can help you to create a plan that is individual to you and your baby.

Choose the Adoptive Family

You can choose the family you want to place your baby with as well as how much contact you want with your baby after the adoption placement occurs. Many women who choose adoption feel empowered as a result.

Receive Financial Assistance

If the fear of your financial situation is holding you back from placing your baby for adoption, know that Texas Adoption Center can assist you with pregnancy related medical costs, housing costs, groceries, and transportation to your medical appointments. In fact, adoption agencies and charities across the country offer financial assistance to pregnant women.

Adoption: A Second Chance for Mother and Child

There are many reasons for choosing adoption, and you should never feel guilty or ashamed of this brave decision. Birth mothers can change others’ lives by placing a child with a hopeful adoptive family. 

If you have any questions about adoption, call one of our loving adoption specialists at (844) 893-7943 or take a peek at Birth Mother Blogs.

Pregnant and Don’t Want the Baby? Here’s More Information

You may feel overwhelmed right now and need someone to talk to. If you are currently thinking, “I don’t want a baby, and I’m pregnant,” Texas Adoption Center is here to help.

We have excellent reviews, with one mother stating:

“Stacey and Caitlin are truly driven, extremely professional, and just a joy to be around! You helped me in my time of distress and need. Very supportive, and I will love you forever!!!”

No matter what decision you make, we are here to offer support and connect you with the right resources. To start the conversation, contact us anytime at 844.893.7943 or text us at 361.461.3742. We cannot wait to hear from you!

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