Ding. The 3-minute timer ends and you hesitate before peering over at the pregnancy test. Looking down, you see the infamous two lines — positive. But, even if your immediate thought was “I don’t want this baby inside me,” that’s okay.
Each woman has their own unique experience when hearing the news of their unplanned pregnancy. But, even though you have a tough choice ahead of you, take a deep breath and know that you have many choices. Three of the most common paths include:
- Terminate the pregnancy
- Carry to term, then place the baby for adoption
- Carry to term, then parent the child
In today’s post, we’re going to dive a bit deeper into each of these options.
1. Abortion
We understand that abortion is oftentimes hard to talk about. However, it is an option that’s available. Throughout your decision process, know that you are the only one who can choose the best option for you and your baby.
Since abortion is a permanent decision, we recommend taking several days to gather as much information as you can so that you can make an informed choice. Although online research can be helpful, it is best to speak with your doctor. This way, you can learn more about what an abortion would involve.
It is also important to consider the legality of abortion in your state. Each state has different laws regarding abortion that may have an effect on your final decision.
2. Adoption
If you choose to carry to term, adoption is an option. Adoption is a beautiful option that allows you to hand select a loving family to raise your baby. Although it may seem as though you are “giving away” your baby, that is far from the truth. You are placing your baby with a caring family who will make sure the child has a life full of opportunities.
Throughout the entire adoption process, you are in the driver’s seat. With help from an Adoption Specialist, you will be able to create an individualized plan that is best for you and your baby. This includes everything from choosing the adoptive family to deciding how much contact you would like to maintain with them before and after the adoption.
Many adoption programs also give assistance to birth mothers. For example, at Texas Adoption Center, birth moms can receive financial relief for transportation to and from pregnancy-related appointments, groceries, housing costs, and more.
3. Parenting
Raising a child is a beautiful experience and comes a lot of responsibility. Before deciding to parent, be sure to spend a lot of time in thought and consider whether you are ready or not.
Consider the costs of parenting, the support available to you from family, friends, or a partner, and if you are emotionally ready to put your child’s needs before your own. Every situation is different for every expecting mother, so it is important to think about what’s truly best for you and your baby.
Our Adoption Specialists are available to help you think through all of your options. Together, you can weigh the pros and cons so that you can make the best decision for you and your baby. You will be empowered and supported unconditionally, regardless of what option you choose.
Do you need to talk?
At Texas Adoption Center, we are committed to taking care of birth moms. If you find yourself saying, “I don’t want this baby inside me,” you are not alone and we are here for you. We know you have a huge decision to make and we would like to support you through this journey. To start, check out a few additional resources we have created:
- Common Reasons Birth Moms Consider Placing Their Baby for Adoption
- Abortion vs. Adoption Pros and Cons
- Putting a Child up for Adoption Process Explained
If you still have questions, please reach out to our team for guidance! Call us today at (512) 893-7943 or send us a text at (361) 461-3742. We can’t wait to hear from you.