Am I making the right decision?
Adoption, in general, is surrounded by questions and uncertainty. How will you know that your child is doing well? Is adoption successful? Both questions are valid. In addition, they are common questions that Texas Adoption Center hears frequently.
It’s easy to say that adopted children are loved, and doing well with their adoptive families. With that said, some people feel better with definitive statistics from an objective source. Let’s take a look at some adoption statistics you probably haven’t heard.
Adoption Statistics
The statistics we’re looking at today come from the National Survey of Adoptive Parents (NSAP). This survey is the first large, nationally representative survey of adoptive families across adoption types. A secondary sample focuses on adopted children with special health care needs. This survey was conducted by the Department of Health and Human Services in conjunction with the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE).
Adopted children are healthy
A large concern for birth parents is the overall health and happiness of the child. Birth parents will be happy to hear that, according to the NSAP, the vast majority of children placed in adoptive homes are doing well. They’re thriving, in fact, with at least 85% of them described as being in “excellent” or “very good” health.
Adopted children build strong relationships
Not only are adopted children in good health – but they’re also building great relationships with their adoptive parents. The NSAP notes that at least 81% of the 91,642 adoptive parents surveyed say their relationship with their children is “very close.” In fact, the relationships are better than the adoptive families could have hoped. About 42% of those surveyed said their relationships were “better than ever expected.” Adopted children, by and large, enjoy incredibly close and warm relationships with their adoptive parents.
Adopted children are happy
One fear with adoption is that the child placed for adoption won’t be happy or thrive. However, it turns out that adopted children actually experience better relationships than many non-adopted children. The NSAP details a few different categories in which this is true. Roughly 68% of adopted children are likely to read books daily with their families. The average American child, on the other hand, is about 48% likely to be read to daily. Similarly, 73% of adopted children are told stories or sung to every day. 59% of children who are not adopted enjoy the same.
Are Adopted Children in Texas Happy?
Keep in mind that the statistics above were gathered from a national survey. However, they are a positive indicator of adoption here in Texas. Adoptive families are thriving and excited to parent a child who is being placed for adoption. In fact, Texas Adoption Center has several excited families waiting for the opportunity to meet and become parent to a child.
If you or someone you may know have further questions about adoption in Texas or are ready to proceed with the adoption process, contact Texas Adoption Center today.