I’m only 16! How am I supposed to tell my parents?
Teen pregnancy. It’s nothing new or uncommon; nevertheless, if it is happening to you, it can be an overwhelming situation.
There are obvious stigmas around teen pregnancy; however, the fact stands that it is a very common occurrence. In fact, it is estimated 3 in 10 American teens become pregnant before they are 20 years old. Additionally, the United States has one of the highest rates of teen pregnancy in the western industrialized world at nearly 750,000 pregnancies each year.
This all goes to say, you’re not alone. Many other women are navigating this difficult road with you. And you shouldn’t go about pregnancy without a strong support system. For many, that is their family.
However, telling your parents that you’re pregnant at 16 can be terrifying. There’s no way to know exactly how they’ll react. So, if you’re trying to figure out how to tell your parents that you are pregnant at 16, keep reading! Listed below are a few things to consider before you break the news to your parents.
How to Tell Your Parents You’re Pregnant at 16
The best way to approach how to tell your parents you’re pregnant is to take it one step at a time. We’ve outlined a step-by-step guide to help you navigate this conversation and confidently share the news.
1. Process Your Emotions
You may be wondering when to tell your parents you’re pregnant and the answer is when you’re ready. Before you experience others’ emotions and reactions, you need to understand yours. Take some time to yourself to fully process how you’re feeling and how you want to proceed. It can ease the stress of the conversation if you come prepared with your own thoughts on how you’d like to move forward in this new journey.
2. Form A Plan
Above all, it is important to form a plan on how to tell your parents you’re pregnant at 16. Formulating a plan beforehand can give you the extra confidence to tell your parents. Consider where you’ll tell them and how soon the discussion will take place. In addition, consider how you’ll answer questions about the father or how long you’ve been pregnant.
Telling your family about an unexpected pregnancy is hard itself. Give yourself the best opportunity to succeed by creating a game plan to navigate this discussion.
3. Prepare for All Reactions
In some situations, you may have a rough idea of how your parents will react. Regardless, you should be prepared for any kind of reaction. The initial news may come as a shock, so it’s best to give both yourself and your parents some time and space to process the conversation. Their initial reactions may not be what you were expecting, but that may change once they come to terms with the news.
4. Discuss Your Options
Ultimately, this conversation is to break the news to your parents. Nevertheless, it can also be a productive conversation about your next steps. For some, termination may be a probable solution to the situation. However, for others, abortion alternatives that are good for the mother and child should be discussed.
There are several termination alternatives that you can discuss with your parents. For example, you can allow a willing relative to raise the child. Additionally, adoption is another alternative that teens and their parents should discuss.
5. Protect Yourself
For many parents, the initial news may be a shock. This in itself is understanding — pregnancy can be a life-altering situation. However, if your parents have strong beliefs, values, or personalities, you should consider how you will protect yourself when telling them.
In this situation, it is important that you protect your well-being. Consider bringing a trusted friend with you when you have the conversation. This friend can play a role in diffusing arguments and mitigating difficult topics. In the end, the trusted individual acts as a buffer if things turn south.
Tips for Telling Your Parents You’re Pregnant at 16
Remain Calm
This can seem impossible if the initial reaction isn’t what you were hoping for, but high tensions will only hinder the conversation. Do your best to remain as calm as possible. If that means walking away for a short while, take a break and continue the conversation when everyone has had a chance to breathe.
Seek Support
Even if a friend or other relative is not present at the conversation, having additional support can help you navigate this journey. Tell a trusted friend, relative, or counselor who you know can provide the support you need. If your plan is to pursue adoption, you may also want to seek the support of an adoption specialist who can walk you through the next steps.
Consider All Your Options
Whether this prior to or during the conversation with your parents, it’s important to know your options. Your parents may be able to help you make this decision, but ultimately you should have the power to decide what is best for you.
Talk to The Professionals
Teen pregnancy is scary! However, with the right support team on your side, it can be navigated with ease.
Consider letting an adoption specialist at Texas Adoption Center stand in your corner. These industry experts can provide valuable information to help you determine if adoption is the appropriate decision for you.
If you are seriously considering adoption or just want more information contact Texas Adoption Center. Call them at 512.983-.943 or text 361.461.3742 to schedule a confidential meeting with an adoption specialist.