Preparing to Be a Single Mom to a Newborn


Taking care of a newborn is a challenging task for new moms of any age. Being a single mom to a newborn can be particularly difficult. While the prospect of raising a child can be overwhelming, there’s no need to panic.

If you are an expectant mother, you don’t have to do this alone. There are options available to you to help you along your pregnancy and beyond. Don’t let your worry for the future cripple you. You’ve come to the right place to explore your options and get the right resources for peace of mind.

Can a Single Mom Raise a Newborn?

As your due date gets closer and closer, you might be wondering how you will handle the added responsibilities a child requires. Are you really capable of being a single mom to a newborn?

The truth is that you can be an excellent parent to your newborn, even if it’s just the two of you on this journey. According to the CDC, over 1.5 million newborns were born to unmarried mothers in 2018. While being a single parent isn’t uncommon, it’s essential to understand that the journey won’t be without its fair share of difficult moments.

While being a single mom to a newborn certainly won’t be easy, understanding the challenges before your baby is born can definitely prepare you for when your beautiful baby arrives. Let’s talk about some of the biggest challenges you’ll face as a single parent. Educating yourself on what to expect can leave you feeling more prepared to navigate the newborn phase.

Financial Burdens

Babies are expensive, even for a two-parent home. According to the USDA, a middle-income, two-child, married-couple family will spend $12,980 annually per child. So, how can you afford that type of expense as a single-parent home?

When you are a single mom to a newborn, you can experience a range of financial struggles. Although you are likely to experience financial strain once your baby is born, there are several resources you can turn to for support. From churches and charities to state grants and funding, you don’t have to juggle the financial burden alone.

You can find more information about financial grants, food assistance, and housing assistance for single moms here. Plus, if you’re a single mom attending college, there are several scholarship opportunities available. While the financial burden of raising a newborn can be overwhelming, the reward you’ll get as you overcome these challenges with your baby by your side is more than worth it.

Feelings of Doubt

Every mother struggles with feelings of doubt, but this emotion can be even stronger for single moms. Single moms who put extra time into work feel guilty that they aren’t with their baby for important milestones. Moms who stay at home more often feel guilty that they aren’t providing more for their baby. Since single moms deal with these feelings alone, it’s not always easy to overcome these things.

The best thing you can do is make the most of your time with your child. Connect with other moms for support. Accept that parenting isn’t a competition and there is no right way to do it. Regardless of what type of parent you become, the important thing is that you are there to love and support your child in the best way you know-how. Doing that makes you more than enough!


Dealing with fatigue is possibly one of the hardest adjustments of being a new mom; you’re going to be exhausted at first. Being a single mom to a newborn makes fatigue more prevalent. There will be times when you can’t get the emotional or physical break you need to care for yourself.

When it comes to fatigue, it’s important to push yourself to find moments for self-care. If you don’t care for yourself, you can’t care for others. While you have a little extra time before your baby is born, make a journal. This is an excellent strategy for being a single mom of a newborn because you’ll have a list to go to when you need to recharge. From getting outside to take a walk to sleeping while your baby naps, there are several small things, you can do daily that make all the difference when it comes to exhaustion.

Work-Parenting Balance

Work-life balance is hard enough, but work-parenting balance is even harder. You might need to pick up extra shifts at work as your child gets older. While you’ll be happy to have some extra money in the bank, many moms experience a range of emotions as they try to balance their work-life and their time with their baby.

Single moms have a particularly tough time with this because all the other responsibilities at home fall on their plates. While finding the right balance takes time and a little creative thinking at times, it’ll get more comfortable as you get used to your new role as mom.

If you’ve done your research and still feel that being a single mom to a newborn is not the path for you, you have other options. In some cases, adoption is the best option for you and your family. Adoption is a selfless and loving choice that can provide your child with a great life when you thoroughly explore your options. Adoption is an option worth exploring.

Tips for Being a Single Mom to a Newborn

If you’re worried about being a single mom to a newborn, we’re here to help! Here are some of the best tips we can offer to help you tackle single parenthood with more confidence and excitement for the future.

Form a Support System

While you might be raising your child as a single parent, you don’t have to go through parenthood alone. Think about friends and family you trust to help you once you bring your baby home. Help could be as simple as driving you and your baby home from the hospital to running a quick errand for you if you need something from the store. Having a support system to encourage you through the process will ease the burden of caring for your new child.

Create a Routine

This one will take time to perfect as you settle into your new lifestyle, so don’t be too hard on yourself at first. In general, creating a routine and sticking to it will make life run smoother as the days go on. Babies aren’t known to stick to schedules, but they do thrive off of routine. So, be flexible at first. Other parts of your routine could be doing laundry every other day, changing your baby’s diaper after every feeding, and going for an afternoon walk with your baby during their naptime.

Focus on One Day at a Time

Being a newborn mom is overwhelming for anyone. Being a single mom to a newborn can be a unique challenge. Sometimes focusing on one day at a time can be a great strategy.

Instead of worrying about the future, concentrate on getting through today. If it’s a good day, use it as leverage to have an even better day tomorrow. If it’s a bad day, put it behind you and try to make tomorrow a little better. The more you focus on today, the more present you will be with your baby.

Find Resources Unique to Pregnancy in College

If you’re a single mom in college, there are additional resources available to help you get used to your life as a new mom. The thought of adding college to the mix as a single mom can seem like an impossible mountain to climb.

From scholarship opportunities to school accommodations, it’s essential to know your rights and what resources are available to help. For more information on the next steps for pregnancy in college, check out this great resource.

Are You a Single Mom? You’re Not Alone! Texas Adoption Center Can Help.

If you’re worried about being a single mom to a newborn, you’re not alone. Countless mothers have had the exact same worries you are facing right now. Texas Adoption Center’s compassionate team has helped thousands of women plan for their new life as a mom to a newborn. Our judgment-free support team provides the support you need no matter how close you are to your due date.

Whether you need emotional support, financial assistance, or answers to common questions, we’re here to help you. Contact us today at 512-893-7943 to discuss your questions and concerns about single parenthood.

Adoption Agencies That Help With Living Expenses- Texas

If you’re considering placing your baby for adoption and need help with living expenses, we’ve got good news for you! There are adoption agencies across Texas that can help you find a great home for your baby and take care of yourself. Here’s a list of the top 5 adoption agencies that help with living expenses in Texas.

  1. Texas Adoption Center

Texas Adoption Center is a full-service adoption agency serving women and families all over Texas. With 12 offices throughout the state, Texas Adoption Center helps women find loving, caring homes for their babies.

The agency’s down-to-earth, caring Adoption Specialists help birth mothers create customized adoption plans. Additionally, Texas Adoption Center helps birth mothers in need with living expenses. From assisting with housing and transportation to pregnancy-related appointments to helping pay for groceries, phone bills, utility bills, and laundry, Texas Adoption Center takes care of its birth mothers, treating them like family.

Contact Texas Adoption Center today for more information!

  1. The Adoption Alliance

The Adoption Alliance is a licensed adoption agency based out of San Antonio, Texas. The agency assists birth mothers with living expenses including rent, utilities, food, phone bills and clothing. The Adoption Alliance also helps birth mothers out with transportation to and from pregnancy related appointments and errands. It also helps cover the costs of prenatal care and hospital and delivery costs if Medicaid or other insurance options aren’t available.

  1. Adoptions With Love, Inc.

Adoptions with Love, Inc. serves birth mothers across Texas. They specialize in giving thoughtful guidance and loving support to women considering adoption. The agency has been around for more than 30 years! It’s mission is to put birth mothers and their baby’s best interests a top priority. Adoptions with Love, Inc. helps birth mothers with living expenses including rent, food, transportation, utilities, medical bills and general living expenses.

  1. Hope Cottage

Hope Cottage is a pregnancy and adoption center serving North Texas. The agency has been around since 1918 and prides itself on being the oldest, non-faith based nonprofit agency in Dallas. Qualifying birth mothers can receive short term financial assistance from Hope Cottage for housing resources, medical care, food, clothing and transportation. The agency also helps connect birth mothers to community resources for their long term needs.

  1. AIM Adoptions

AIM Adoptions is a Christian adoption agency that helps women facing an unplanned pregnancy choose adoption. The company works with birth mothers all over Texas and assists them with medical care, food and shelter.

If you’re interested in learning more about adoption and how adoption agencies can support you, give Texas Adoption Center a call. We’d love to give you more information about all of your options and answer any questions you have. Call 512.893.7943 today or send us a text anytime at 361.461.3742!

29 Free Pregnancy Clinics in Texas

Free Pregnancy Clinics in Texas

If you need support, a local pregnancy clinic is a great place to turn. Also known as pregnancy care centers, pregnancy clinics offer pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, counseling, and more services to women in need of care.

When you need medical or emotional support but are unsure of how to afford care, there is help available. If you’ve been searching the things below, we have you covered:

  • clinics that give free pregnancy tests near me
  • free pregnancy ultrasound clinics
  • free pregnancy clinics near me

Below, we’ll walk through free pregnancy clinics in Dallas, Texas, and other cities across the state, including Houston, San Antonio, and more.

Free Pregnancy Clinics in Texas

If you are looking for free pregnancy ultrasound clinics, medical services, or guidance on your options moving forward, a pregnancy care center can help.

Several organizations and agencies offer free services and financial help for pregnant women. But many pregnant women are unsure of how to connect with these resources and get the services they need.

The good news is that there are clinics all across Texas that offer free services to pregnant women. The clinics on this list have programs in place that allow them to help meet your medical needs at low or no cost to you.

So take a deep breath and keep reading to find resources that will help you through this time.

Free Pregnancy Clinics in Houston, TX

1. Texas Adoption Center, Houston

With caring specialists and a wide range of free services like financial support and counseling, Texas Adoption Center is dedicated to helping pregnant women. You’ll find helpful advice and judgment-free support at this center. The team here can connect you with a trustworthy pregnancy clinic near you. Texas Adoption Center has locations across Texas, including Austin, Brownwood, Corpus Christi, San Antonio, and more.

Review: “Gina was my caseworker, and she took good care of me throughout the process. She was kind, nice to hang out with, and dependable. She took me to all of my appointments, stayed with me at the hospital, brought me food, and kept me company. I really appreciate how well I was treated the entire time.” –Ash L.

Address: 701 N Post Oak Rd., Houston, TX 77024

Phone: (844) 893-7943

Learn More: Texas Adoption Center

2. Downtown Pregnancy Help Center

Review: “Everyone there was friendly and helpful. I was an emotional mess, but the counselor who helped me (Blessing) hugged me and assured me OUR baby could get the care needed and so would I.” –Ebonie M.

Address: 3636 San Jacinto St., Houston, TX 77004

Phone: (713) 942-2100

Learn More: Downtown Pregnancy Help Center

3. Women’s Pregnancy Center

Texas Adoption Center has a connection with this center and can connect you to the resources they offer.

Review: “I had an amazing experience. Their staff made [us] feel at home. They were always ready to help. They are beautiful inside and outside. Looking forward to meeting them again.” –Sansa O.

Address: 10103 Fondren Rd. Ste. 230, Houston, TX 77096

Phone: (713) 774-0126

Learn More: Women’s Pregnancy Center

4. Birthright Humble

Review: “The lady who assisted me was SO kind! It only took about 10 minutes. Definitely recommend.” –Nicole V.

Address: 1502 1st St. East, Humble, TX 77338

Phone: (281) 540-1123

Learn More: Birthright Humble

5. Care Net Pregnancy Center of Houston

Review: “The best positive place I’ve ever been. I felt at home. I felt loved and taken care of. They honestly care. Words can’t explain the way I felt going to this place. Everyone there is amazing.” –Watson C.

Address: 14530 Wunderlich Dr. Unit 203, Houston, TX 77069

Phone: (281) 444-8554

Learn More: Care Net Pregnancy Center of Houston

6. Women’s Care Center – Broadway

Review: “For being my first pregnancy, I had a really great experience. From the time I made my appointment to the postpartum visit, everything was awesome. The staff was really great and the care was beyond my expectations. All of the midwives were really great, and caring. The clinic treats you like family and they genuinely care for you and the care they provide. I would totally recommend this clinic to my family and friends.” –Yesica M.

Address: 3933 Broadway St., Houston, TX 77087

Phone: (713) 643-1700

Learn More: Women’s Care Center – Broadway

Free Pregnancy Clinics in Dallas, TX

1. Birth Choice Dallas

Review: “Amazing how much sympathy they have for your situation to need something so small but so costly. They care! Can’t wait for future visits.” –Christine G.

Address: 8610 Greenville Ave. #200, Dallas, TX 75243

Phone: (214) 631-2402

Learn More: Birth Choice Dallas

2. The Source Women Downtown Pregnancy Center

Texas Adoption Center works directly with this clinic, so you’re supported every step of the way.

Review: “This place is amazing! They give you so much information you never even knew about. I definitely recommend this place to every woman who needs help with their pregnancy or is confused about what to do.” –Karina T.

Address: 525 N Ervay St., Dallas, TX 75201

Phone: (972) 636-4460

Learn More: The Source Women Downtown Pregnancy Center

3. Thrive Women’s Clinic

Review: “The moment you step into Thrive, you are welcomed by a friendly front desk person and allowed to speak, rather than be spoken to, and returned with an authentic helping hand. Thrive’s staff made me feel welcomed, accepted and loved. I couldn’t recommend Thrive enough.” –Lexie G.

Address: 12959 Jupiter Rd. #260, Dallas, TX 75238

Phone: (214) 343-9263

Learn More: Thrive Women’s Clinic

4. Prestonwood Pregnancy Center Southwest

Review: “I really enjoy the emotional support given, and the plus for me is that the pregnancy test, sonogram, and classes are free with no strings attached! Really good people.” –Sharon S.

Address: 7988 W Virginia Dr. Ste. 100, Dallas, TX 75237

Phone: (972) 428-4700

Learn More: Prestonwood Pregnancy Center Southwest

5. LifeTalk Resource Center

Review: “I cannot speak enough great things about this facility. The women here are just so amazing and you can tell they have a heart for God and his purpose. They are so encouraging and helpful. I am blessed that they were such a huge blessing to us today.” –Nicci S.

Address: 8380 Warren Pkwy. Ste. 204, Frisco, TX 75034

Phone: (214) 618-9352

Learn More: LifeTalk Resource Center

Free Pregnancy Clinics in San Antonio, TX

1. Pregnancy Care Center of San Antonio

Review: “I went in, got my positive, and had my sonogram immediately afterward (same day). It was amazing. All free plus available resources and classes. I would highly recommend it to any woman. Thank you so much!” –Alexandria M.

Address: 7210 Louis Pasteur Dr., San Antonio, TX 78229

Phone: (210) 614-4124

Learn More: Pregnancy Care Center of San Antonio

2. Any Woman Can

Review: “When you walk in, you can immediately feel the positive energy despite whatever you’re facing or trying to cope with in that moment. It’s refreshing. If you’re looking for refuge, no judgment, and an atmosphere to let your worries dissipate, rest assured you will find it here.” –Stephanie A.

Address: 109 Gallery Circle #115, San Antonio, TX 78258

Phone: (210) 370-3939

Learn More: Any Woman Can

3. A Woman’s Haven

Texas Adoption Center works directly with this clinic, so you’re supported every step of the way.

Review: “Amazing place, amazing staff. They made me feel welcome and comforted, and they truly went above and beyond to make me feel that way. They are helpful and informative, and on top of it all, their services are absolutely free.” –Tracey M.

Address: 2202 Babcock Rd., San Antonio, TX 78229

Phone: (210) 224-2902

Learn More: A Woman’s Haven

4. The Source San Antonio

Texas Adoption Center works directly with this clinic, so you’re supported every step of the way.

Review: “From the second I walked in to the second I left, nothing but kind and caring staff members. Penne was amazing! I thank God I was guided to this place.” –Bri H.

Address: 3234 Northwestern, San Antonio, TX 78238

Phone: (210) 543-7200

Learn More: The Source San Antonio

5. Healthy Women’s Center

Review: “I came in for a free test and Ms. Mary was super helpful! I recommend anyone who’s pregnant especially first-time moms to go to Baptist. They provide a lot of helpful information and I was very pleased with the service and help. Thank you Ms. Mary!!” –Karina R. 

Address: 1213 SW Military Dr. #1233, San Antonio, TX 78221

Phone: (210) 932-4122

Learn More: Healthy Women’s Center

Free Pregnancy Clinics in Corpus Christi, TX

1. Pregnancy Center of the Coastal Bend

Review: “Amazing people. Willing to help anyone and always with a great attitude never rude. I love how modern and clean they have their offices. Thank you so much for your help and God bless everyone.” -Estelita D.

Address: 13725 Northwest Blvd #110, Corpus Christi, TX 78410

Phone: (361) 991-2008

Learn More: Pregnancy Center of the Coastal Bend  

2. Refuge of Hope

Review: “Greatly appreciate their services. Very friendly and easy to talk to.” -Kristan M.

Address: 13725 Northwest Blvd, Corpus Christi, TX 78410

Phone: (361) 241-5300

Learn More: Refuge of Hope

3. Corpus Christi Birth Center – Prenatal Office

Review: “Great facility for a hospital alternative.  Wonderful staff and great professional care.

Definitely recommend this place to other women in the area.” -Velvet V.

Address: 3833 S Staples St Suite N-209, Corpus Christi, TX 78411

Phone: (361) 883-2229

Learn More: CCBC – Prenatal Office

4. Family Planning Clinic

Review: “Very helpful and kind staff, helped me with everything I needed. Will be going back!!” -Breeann J.

Address: 4455 S Padre Island Dr #30, Corpus Christi, TX 78411

Phone: (361) 883-0619

Learn More: Family Planning Clinic

5. Women’s & Men’s Health Services of the Coastal Bend

Review: “I have been going to the Holly location for about 2 years and they do a great job in servicing me. They always make me feel comfortable during my visit and the physicians/doctors are great! Would recommend!” -Zebrina G.

Address: 3536 Holly Rd, Corpus Christi, TX 78415

Phone: (361) 855-9107

Learn More: Women’s & Men’s Health Services of the Coastal Bend 

6. South Texas Family Planning & Health Corporation

Review: “Everyone there are amazing, receptionist, nurses, doctors. My special thanks to Dr Jennifer, God bless you and all staff” -Jorge C. 

Address: 4455 S Padre Island Dr, Corpus Christi, TX 78411

Phone: (361) 855-7333

Learn More: South Texas Family Planning & Health Corporation

Free Pregnancy Clinics in Fort Worth, TX

1. Next Step Women’s Center

Review: “They really do go out of their way to let you know that they care about you, and you never feel judged or looked down upon for your decisions. Also, the services are ALL free.” –Suzy M.

Address: 3010 SE Loop 820, Fort Worth, TX 76140

Phone: (817) 984-1392

Learn More: Next Step Women’s Center

2. Pregnancy Help Center of Fort Worth

Review: “I love it here! They are so loving, kind, genuine, and friendly! When you walk in, it is such a loving atmosphere from every person. The resources they provide for everyone is extremely helpful.” –Hannah V.

Address: 7700 Camp Bowie W Blvd. #120, Fort Worth, TX 76116

Phone: (817) 560-2226

Learn More: Pregnancy Help Center of Fort Worth

3. Fort Worth Pregnancy Center

Review: “Wow, what a wonderful experience! From the first phone call to set up an appointment to my actual appointment, these ladies have been so so helpful and kind and caring, and I just feel so at ease as I prepare to become a first-time mom!” –Jocelyn M.

Address: 3221 Cleburne Rd., Fort Worth, TX 76110

Phone: (817) 924-9110

Learn More: Fort Worth Pregnancy Center

4. Metroplex Women’s Clinic

Review: “I’m not sure where to start here. This place is amazing! They offer so much for whatever route you decide to take! Every step of the way, they make you feel like they’re family.” –Tonie B.

Address: 2810 NW Green Oaks Blvd., Arlington, TX 76012

Phone: (817) 299-9599

Learn More: Metroplex Women’s Clinic

5. Loreto House

Review: “Loreto House made me feel so welcome and offered wonderful educational classes. A great resource.” -Veronica M. 

Address: 1100 N Bonnie Brae St., Denton, TX 76201

Phone: (940) 380-8191

Learn More: Loreto House

Pregnancy Clinics in Brownwood, TX

Texas Adoption Center has a close relationship with each of the clinics on this list.

1. Midway Family Planning

Review: “The employees are amazing and friendly people—very respectful place.” –Theresa R.

Address: 1500 Terrace Dr. #35, Brownwood, TX 76801

Phone: (325) 646-8429

Learn More: Midway Family Planning

2. Brownwood Women’s Clinic

Review: “Dr. Wilkinson is absolutely amazing. The whole staff is very caring and respectful. Most clinics I have been to rush to get you seen and hurry to get you out. Not this office.” –Kiri C.

Address: 98 S Park Dr., Brownwood, TX 76801

Phone: (325) 641-2686

Learn More: Brownwood Women’s Clinic

3. Pregnancy Care Center

Review: “Wonderful ladies.” –Victoria B.

Address: 2200 Austin Ave., Brownwood, TX 76801

Phone: (325) 646-5433

Learn More: Pregnancy Care Center

4. Accel Health Clinic

Review: “I could not be happier with the care I received today.” –Reesa S.

Address: 3804 US-377, Brownwood, TX 76801

Phone: (325) 643-5167

Learn More: Accel Health Clinic 

Get Confidential and Meaningful Pregnancy Support Today

When you need free pregnancy services and don’t l know where to turn, the compassionate team at Texas Adoption Center can help. Texas Adoption Center has locations across the state that are here to help you navigate this challenging time.

Whether you need medical services, information about your options, someone to talk to, or all of the above, you can find it at Texas Adoption Center. Contact us today to get connected with the resources that you need.