Pros and Cons of Creating an Adoption Plan For Your Baby

pros and cons of putting a baby up for adoption

Placing your baby for adoption is never an easy choice. As you may be experiencing, it seems as though there are an endless amount of factors to consider. In order to make an informed choice, it is important to look at all of the positives and negatives. This is especially true when weighing the pros and cons of putting a baby creating an adoption plan for your baby.

In order to make the best decision for you and your baby, it is important to gather all the information that you possibly can, consider the pros and cons of either choice, and spend time in thought. To help along in this process, today, we’ll take a look at the pros and cons of adoption.

Pros of Creating an Adoption Plan For Your Baby

1. You get control over the entire adoption plan

During the whole adoption process, you are in the driver’s seat. An Adoption Specialist will help you to create an adoption plan that is best for you and your baby. Your wants, needs, and requests will be at the forefront of any decision that is made. After the plan is created, you will be matched with a family that is comfortable with the same plan! Which brings us to our next point…

2. You get to choose the adoptive parents (or not!)

We know how important it is for you to feel confident in knowing that the adoptive family wants the same things for your baby that you do. Because of this, we encourage and empower birth mothers to hand select a family of their choosing. We will supply you with endless pictures, stories, and information so that you can make the best choice.

And if you would rather not choose the family? We will listen to all of your wants and requests to find the perfect fit for you.  Regardless, you will feel comfortable knowing that your baby is going to a loving home and will be adored forever.

3. You can meet the adoptive family (or not!)

If you choose to hand-select the adoptive family, you can also decide on what kind of relationship you would like to have with them. You can even begin building this relationship before delivery! Many expectant mothers choose to exchange phone or email information. Some moms even choose to meet the adoptive family in person!

You may also choose not to have a relationship with the adoptive family. Either way, you can know that you are making the best choice for you and your baby.

4. You have control over future contact

After delivery, you get to choose if you would like to remain in contact with the family through scheduling visits, receiving updates through letters or email, or maintaining little to no contact. These different communication levels are generally seen in three different groups: an open adoption, a semi-open adoption, or a closed adoption.

There is no right answer for everyone, it’s just what works best for you. Each adoption plan is unique in its own way. If you would like to read more about these adoption styles and see which one is best for you, click here.

5. You will know that your child is loved and supported

As a birth mom, you are placing your baby for adoption to give them the best life possible. Giving an adoptive family the chance to fulfill their dreams of parenthood is the purest act of love. In exchange, the adoptive family will pour all the love that they have into raising your baby. If you choose an open adoption, you will get to witness this first hand through visits, pictures, or letters.

Cons of Creating an Adoption Plan For Your Baby

1. Experiencing, at times, overwhelming emotions

It’s completely natural to feel overwhelmed and stressed when facing an unplanned pregnancy. At this point, things may feel a bit out of your control. But, as you team up with an Adoption Specialist from Texas Adoption Center, you will soon feel encouraged and in control. The feelings of helplessness that you may feel right now will soon turn into empowerment and purpose.

Throughout the rest of your pregnancy and even after delivery, you may feel overswept with emotion. This, too, is natural. Luckily, our loving Adoption Specialists work around the clock to listen to and support you. We will continue to provide support as long as you need us to.

2. You aren’t raising the baby, but isn’t that the whole point?

It is true that placing your baby for adoption means that you won’t be raising them. However, you are looking to provide the best life for your child, and sometimes that means finding adoptive parents with a loving home.

Of course, you will still experience grief from time to time. This is completely normal and expected. However, many birth moms find peace and comfort in knowing that they have done what is best for them and their child.

When a birth momma was shown a few pictures of her baby after the adoption, she responded, “I find myself just looking at his face. He looks peaceful and happy. I’m thankful he has such a loving family to call his own.”

Reach Out to Texas Adoption Center

Reaching out to a caring, local adoption center is the first step in finding out which option is best for you and your baby. There are plenty of pros and cons of creating an adoption plan for your baby, but the loving, judgment-free Adoption Specialists at Texas Adoption Center can empower you and care for you every step of the way.

To speak to Texas Adoption Center, contact us online or call (512) 893-7943. We are happy to take your call any time of day.

“I don’t want this baby inside me.” | A Guide to Your Options

i dont want this baby inside me

Ding. The 3-minute timer ends and you hesitate before peering over at the pregnancy test. Looking down, you see the infamous two lines — positive. But, even if your immediate thought was “I don’t want this baby inside me,” that’s okay.

Each woman has their own unique experience when hearing the news of their unplanned pregnancy. But, even though you have a tough choice ahead of you, take a deep breath and know that you have many choices. Three of the most common paths include:

  • Terminate the pregnancy
  • Carry to term, then place the baby for adoption
  • Carry to term, then parent the child

In today’s post, we’re going to dive a bit deeper into each of these options.

1. Abortion

We understand that abortion is oftentimes hard to talk about. However, it is an option that’s available. Throughout your decision process, know that you are the only one who can choose the best option for you and your baby.

Since abortion is a permanent decision, we recommend taking several days to gather as much information as you can so that you can make an informed choice. Although online research can be helpful, it is best to speak with your doctor. This way, you can learn more about what an abortion would involve.

It is also important to consider the legality of abortion in your state. Each state has different laws regarding abortion that may have an effect on your final decision.

2. Adoption

If you choose to carry to term, adoption is an option. Adoption is a beautiful option that allows you to hand select a loving family to raise your baby. Although it may seem as though you are “giving away” your baby, that is far from the truth. You are placing your baby with a caring family who will make sure the child has a life full of opportunities.

Throughout the entire adoption process, you are in the driver’s seat. With help from an Adoption Specialist, you will be able to create an individualized plan that is best for you and your baby. This includes everything from choosing the adoptive family to deciding how much contact you would like to maintain with them before and after the adoption.

Many adoption programs also give assistance to birth mothers. For example, at Texas Adoption Center, birth moms can receive financial relief for transportation to and from pregnancy-related appointments, groceries, housing costs, and more.

3. Parenting

Raising a child is a beautiful experience and comes a lot of responsibility. Before deciding to parent, be sure to spend a lot of time in thought and consider whether you are ready or not.

Consider the costs of parenting, the support available to you from family, friends, or a partner, and if you are emotionally ready to put your child’s needs before your own. Every situation is different for every expecting mother, so it is important to think about what’s truly best for you and your baby.

Our Adoption Specialists are available to help you think through all of your options. Together, you can weigh the pros and cons so that you can make the best decision for you and your baby. You will be empowered and supported unconditionally, regardless of what option you choose.

Do you need to talk?

At Texas Adoption Center, we are committed to taking care of birth moms. If you find yourself saying, “I don’t want this baby inside me,” you are not alone and we are here for you. We know you have a huge decision to make and we would like to support you through this journey. To start, check out a few additional resources we have created:

If you still have questions, please reach out to our team for guidance! Call us today at (512) 893-7943 or send us a text at (361) 461-3742. We can’t wait to hear from you.  

Facing an Unplanned Pregnancy Alone? You Have Options

facing an unplanned pregnancy alone

Facing an unplanned pregnancy alone is difficult. You don’t know what to do, but you know that you need help. You may even have a sense of confusion and distress about what decisions to make and how to make them.

While the process of facing an unplanned pregnancy alone can leave you feeling isolated, the experts at the Texas Adoption Center will make you feel at home. We understand how birth mothers feel when they’re going through an unplanned pregnancy and we’re here to help.

Here are a few of options we can guide you through:

Raising Your Child

Parenting is a life-changing journey and some women we work with decide to embrace motherhood. If that’s something you want to explore, we’ll give you all the resources you need to make that decision. We are equipped to provide you with the education and emotional resources you need to raise a healthy baby.

Terminating the Pregnancy

No one likes to talk about abortion, but we approach the subject in a respectful and intentional way. It’s not a decision that can be undone and shouldn’t be taken lightly. We arm you with resources, counseling, and judgment-free support.

Choosing Adoption

Although the process may seem daunting at first, our Adoption Specialists are trained to make adoption as simple as possible. We take care of our birth mothers and give them emotional, financial, and housing support when they need it. We also ensure that our birth mothers deliver their babies in the most comfortable and safe manner.

When you decide to place your baby for adoption, one of our dedicated specialists will become your friend, guide, and support system. She will help design an adoption plan that’s specially customized to suit your needs.

If you’re worried about medical bills, emotional support, financial support, or grocery bills, our specialists are here to make sure you have what you need. When it’s time to choose a family for your child, we empower you to make the choice that feels best for you and your baby.

It’s our job to make the adoption process as smooth as possible so mothers are happy and healthy throughout the process.

How to Take the First Step

Taking the first step is simple–call us at 512-893-7943 or send us a text at 361-461-3742. We will provide the support you need for a safe transition into the next phase of your life when facing an unplanned pregnancy alone.

We’re a non-judgmental and empathetic group of women who understand your needs when it comes to unplanned pregnancies. We help our birth mothers take control over their decisions and make informed choices for their unique situation.

With multiple options that provide flexibility, care, and varying levels of communication, birth mothers can choose the path that is best for them and their child.

Best Adoption Agency in Austin, TX

best adoption agency in austin tx

If you’re pregnant and considering adoption in Austin, you’ll want to partner with the best adoption agency in Austin, TX. Only the best for your baby, right? You and your baby deserve to work with an agency that will embrace, support, guide, and walk alongside you on your adoption journey.

That’s where Texas Adoption Center comes in. We’ve been serving our Texas community for more than 20 years. Our agency is a program of A World For Children, a nonprofit organization serving children and families all over the state.  

As a full-service adoption agency, we guide birth mothers through the entire adoption process with professionalism, compassion, and a whole lot of Southern hospitality! When you work with us, you become family. We will treat you as such, supporting and rooting for you for the rest of your life.

Call 844-893-7943 to speak with one of our incredible Adoption Specialists today! Here’s a look at a few reasons why Texas Adoption Center is the best adoption agency in Austin, TX.

Comprehensive Care and Attention

As an adoption agency, we’re modern and sophisticated. However, we’re also very down to earth! We believe in taking care of our birth mothers, making sure they get the highest level of care.

Our goal is to make sure that our birth mothers and adoptive families are heard, supported and loved. We look forward to creating a bright future for you and your child through adoption and to supporting all parties involved in the adoption process.

Community Recommendations

The Texas Adoption Center has been recommended many times over by our birth mothers and families because of our commitment to quality service and care. We’re an active member of the Austin, Texas community and love engaging with birth mothers who want to pursue adoption.

Take a look at our Facebook reviews here!

Medical, Financial and Housing Support

We offer a range of medical, financial, and emotional support to our birth moms. We will help you out every step of the way! In the past, we’ve helped birth mothers find safe housing and great healthcare coverage. We’ve also helped them pay phone, grocery, and utility bills, and secure transportation to pregnancy-related appointments and errands.

Additionally, our birth mothers can choose the type of adoption process they want and have complete control of their level of communication with adoptive families. If you are a birth mother and want more information about your options, our adoption experts are available 24/7 to help you.

Get in Touch with Us

We want to talk to you! Whether you’ve decided on adoption or want to learn more about the options available, you can give us a call at 844.893.7943 or shoot a text to 361.461.3742 to speak to our Adoption Specialists. They work with our birth mothers every day who want to provide their children with a great home.

Take the first step towards taking control of your future. Reach out to us today! 


Abortion vs Adoption Pros and Cons

abortion vs adoption

Knowing you’re not ready to be a parent when you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy can bring up waves of emotions. Fear. Guilt. Shame. Loneliness.

There’s no shame in admitting you aren’t ready for parenthood. Some women feel they don’t have the resources to give their child the life they envision for them. Others feel they won’t be able to give their child the love, support, time and attention they need.

Whatever the reason you find yourself exploring abortion vs adoption pros and cons, you’re not alone.

You have options. You are in control and you don’t have to face this by yourself.

Both abortion and adoption are options for you. Here’s a look at the pros and cons of each option.

Adoption: Pros & Cons

Adoption gives your baby the opportunity to live and be raised by a loving family. When you place your baby for adoption, you’ll have the option to create a plan for your baby.

If you choose to, you can pick your baby’s adoptive family and get to know them during your pregnancy. With some adoption plans, you can stay in contact with the family after your baby is born and potentially visit them down the road–you get to make a plan that feels just right for you.

Adoption is a great choice for women who aren’t ready to parent, but want to give their baby a chance at a beautiful and bright future.


Placing your baby for adoption isn’t easy. It can stir up a variety of emotions. But, Texas Adoption Center supports birth mothers every step of the way. From providing emotional support and counseling, pregnancy-related expenses, and an Adoption Specialist dedicated to you and your wellbeing—we will do everything we can to support and empower you throughout the adoption process.


You get to give your baby the gift of life!

You’re in control and can create a plan for your child. You can be at peace knowing your child is loved and cherished in a wonderful home.

Abortion: Pros & Cons

Getting an abortion ends your pregnancy. It may seem like a simple solution to your situation. However, it does come with pros and cons.


Abortion ends your pregnancy quickly.

You won’t have to carry your child to term or give birth.


For some women, getting an abortion can cause emotional or psychological distress.

Some women struggle to make peace with their decision, wondering what and who their child could have been.

You won’t get to meet your baby.

Abortion is a medical procedure and may come with health risks, this is something you should speak with you doctor about.

Abortions must be performed early in pregnancy. Most are performed during the first trimester.

Deciding What’s Right for You

Ultimately, choosing what path to take with an unplanned pregnancy is your decision. You know what’s best for you and what’s best for your child.

It’s easy to be overwhelmed by expectations from others and even pressure from yourself. Just know you are not alone. You will get through this and have a bright future! Texas Adoption Center is here to support you.

If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy and are unsure what to do, give us a call at 512.893.7943 or send a text to 361.461.3742. We would love to give your more information about all of your options. No pressure. No judgment. Only friendly care and support. Reach out to Texas Adoption Center today.


Placing a Child With an Adoptive Family Process Explained

putting a child up for adoption process explained

Do you know how adoption works? The adoption process may seem daunting or confusing at first. But, with the right set of experts on board, it can be a smooth process that you’re in control of. That’s where Texas Adoption Center comes in. We help birth mothers create an adoption plan for their baby that fits their unique needs and situation.

Here’s the placing your child with an adoptive family process” explained.

Reach Out to An Agency

The first step in the adoption process involves reaching out to an adoption agency. When you reach out to Texas Adoption Center, one of our caring Adoption Specialists will listen to your story and answer all of your questions.

If you’re considering adoption, we understand that this is a difficult time. As the mother, you have a right to choose what’s best for your body and your baby. Only you can make the decision that are right for you and baby, but that doesn’t mean you need to do it alone.

Our experts are waiting to take your call. We’re happy to walk you through the process, discuss your options, and guide you on your Adoption journey.

Designing an Adoption Plan

Next, your Adoption Specialist will give you information about all of your options and help you craft an adoption plan. She’ll explain the differences between open, semi-open and closed adoptions. You can pick the plan that works best for you and we’ll wholeheartedly support whatever you decide!

When making the adoption plan, you’ll get to decide how much interaction you’d like to have with your child’s adoptive family before and after delivery. It’s all up to you.

Choosing Adoptive Parents

If you choose to place your baby for adoption, you’ll have the option to choose your child’s adoptive parents. If you’d prefer we pick a family for you, our Adoption Specialists will select an incredible family for your baby. Either way, your baby will be placed with a loving family!

We prescreen all of our adoptive families through an in-depth process. You can learn more about them on our website for adoptive families.

Prioritizing a Healthy Pregnancy

YOU are one of the most important parts of the adoption process. We want you to have a smooth, safe and healthy pregnancy. Texas Adoption Center can support you financially, emotionally, and physically to make sure you have everything you need during your pregnancy. We provide financial, housing and transportation assistance and can help you find quality healthcare. You can focus on growing a healthy baby. We’ll handle the rest.

After Delivery

When you work with Texas Adoption Center, you become family. We will stay in contact and support you throughout your life. We’ve seen so many birth mothers go on to live vibrant, joy-filled lives after delivering their babies. We’ll support you as you go after your dreams and find your way in this beautiful world.

If you have more questions about the adoption process, give us a call at 512.893.7943. If you’re considering placing your baby for adoption, we’d love to hear from you. You can also shoot us a text at 361.461.3742. Our loving, judgement-free team is just a phone-call away. Call Texas Adoption Center today.

Unwanted Pregnancy Options – Considering Adoption

unwanted pregnancy options

Facing an unwanted pregnancy can be terrifying. Heartbreaking. Nerve wracking. Facing an unplanned pregnancy can feel lonely. You may feel like no one understands what you’re going through. But, we do.

At Texas Adoption Center, we’ve supported so many women facing an unplanned pregnancy as they decide what’s best for them. Though you may feel overwhelmed right now, you have options and you are in control.

We believe in supporting and empowering women in whatever they choose to do about their pregnancy. Your options when faced with an unwanted pregnancy include:

  • Parenting
  • Adoption
  • Abortion

At Texas Adoption Center, we believe adoption is brave, bold and beautiful. We’ve seen so many women find peace and hope in placing their baby for adoption. If you’re facing an unwanted pregnancy, adoption is an option for you!

Your Unwanted Pregnancy Options – Why Adoption?

Placing your baby for adoption means giving your baby to a loving family who will care for and cherish her for the rest of her life. Many women facing unplanned pregnancies find peace in placing their baby for adoption, because they know their child will have the opportunity to live a life full of love and opportunity.

Adoption also gives you so many options. Every adoption is unique and special. At Texas Adoption Center, we help our birth mothers create an adoption plan for their babies. Designing the plan means deciding what level of contact you’d like to have with your baby’s family after delivery and throughout your child’s life.

It also includes deciding if you’d like to choose your baby’s adoptive family and what level of communication, if any, you’d like to have with them before your baby is born. We’ll help you craft a plan that’s perfect for you and support you in everything you decide.

What Is Adoption Like as a Birth Mother?

When you decide to place your baby for adoption, one of our amazing Adoption Specialists will step in and be your sister, confidant, friend and guide. She will help you design an adoption plan and identify ways to support you throughout the process.

If you need medical care and are worried about medical bills, we can help. When you need emotional support, we’ll be there to listen and encourage you. If you’re struggling financially, we can help you out with transportation, groceries, utilities, phone bills, housing, and personal care items.

We work to make your adoption journey as smooth as possible. We want you to be healthy, happy and hope-filled throughout your pregnancy, adoption journey and beyond. So, we’ll cry with you, rejoice with you, celebrate with you, and everything in between on this beautiful journey. We’ll be your biggest cheerleaders. Because, you and your baby have beautiful, bright futures. We can’t wait to see you both shine.

How To Take The First Step

You can take the first step towards taking control of your situation today. Give Texas Adoption Center a call at 512.893.7943 or shoot us a text at 361.461.3742. You can reach out any time of the day or night. We’ll be here!

You don’t have to be embarrassed, ashamed, or afraid. Whether you’ve decided to place your baby for adoption or want to get more information about all of your options, we welcome your call. Contact us today!



How Hard is it to Place a Child With an Adoptive Family?

how hard is it to put a child up for adoption

How hard is it to place a child with an adoptive family? If you’ve been asking yourself this question, you may be surprised to learn that placing your child for adoption starts with one simple phone call.

Logistically, placing your baby for adoption can be simple, particularly if you work with an adoption agency. Emotionally, placing your child with an adoptive family can be difficult. However, adoption brings so much hope to both birth mothers and adoptive families.

When you work with Texas Adoption Center, your Adoption Specialist will be there to support you and guide you through it all. That’s right. Every tear. Every leap for job. Every signed paper. She’ll be there.

If you’ve been curious about the answer to the question ,how hard is it to place your child with an adoptive family?, here’s a look at what happens after you decide adoption is the right choice for you.

Reach Out to An Adoption Agency

You can reach out to an adoption agency whether or not you’ve officially decided to place your baby for adoption. Adoption agencies are a great resource and can answer all of your questions.

Our Adoption Specialists love connecting with birth mothers! When you call Texas Adoption Center, an adoption specialist can give you more information about all of your options. She’ll support you in whatever you decide! We only want the best for you and trust you to make the best decisions for you and your baby.

What Comes Next? Creating An Adoption Plan

When you decide to place your baby for adoption with Texas Adoption Center, your adoption specialist will help you create a customized adoption plan. You’ll be able to choose an open adoption, semi-open adoption, or closed adoption for your baby.

Open adoptions allow you to choose your child’s family and decide what kind of relationship you want to have with them. You can even start getting to know them and building a relationship with them before delivery if you’d like. With an open adoption, you have the option to keep up with the family. If you want to, you can visit them later down the road too!

Semi-open adoptions allow you to pick your child’s adoptive family. You have the option to meet them and get to know them below delivery and spend time with them and your baby at the hospital. If you’d like, you can receive pictures and letter updates from the family throughout your child’s life. However, there will be no personal visits or contact.

Closed adoptions are less common these days. You can decide how closed you want the adoption to be! Typically, though, we would choose a family for you baby and you wouldn’t meet or get to know them before your baby is born. After delivery, you generally won’t have any visits or receive any picture or letter updates.

We’re here to help you craft the perfect plan for YOU because every adoption plan is unique!

You Won’t Have to Worry

At Texas Adoption Center, we take care of our birth mothers. In short, you won’t have to worry about anything. We’re here to support you with whatever you need. We can help birth mothers find a safe place to stay and help them gain access to quality medical care.

In the past, we’ve helped birth mothers get to maternity-related appointments and helped out with utility bills, groceries, phone bills, laundry and personal care items. Additionally, of your pregnancy, labor, delivery and postpartum medical costs will be taken care of regardless of whether or not you have health insurance.

Whether you’re pregnant right now or you’ve already delivered, give us a call at 512.893.7943 or shoot us a text (emojis welcome) at 361.461.3742. We can’t wait to get to know you!

Brave Birth Moms: One Woman’s Journey From Sorrow to Hope Through Adoption

birth mom journey

When she found out she was pregnant, she was already three and a half months along. Ready to end her pregnancy, the result of a rape when she was passed out, she felt hopeless and alone. Then, 4 months in, she realized there were two babies inside of her. Twins.

“In my mind, approaching four months was too far along for me to have an abortion,” birth mom “B” said. “I think that’s why that happened because God had an ultimate plan in the end and I couldn’t see it,” she said.

Almost nine months later, birth mom B’s twins are happy, healthy, and living with their incredible adoptive birth parents. Birth mom “B” is thriving, working on a savings plan, attending a weekly bible study and working on herself.

“Every day I’m just like excited,” she said. “I feel like I’m saving up for them, for something in the future. I’m just going to work as hard as I can and strive for that day that they’re ready to meet me.”

Birth Mom “B” has a come a long way since joining the Texas Adoption Center family.

From Betrayal to Newfound Love and Support

After finding out the pregnancy was a result of an assault by a close family friend, she felt betrayed. As she spoke up and told her family, they stopped talking to her and pushed her away. She felt abandoned and alone.

“Birth Mom B” said she told God that she was going to terminate her pregnancy. But, she said she could tell he had a different plan when she found out she was pregnant with twins.

She was distraught and felt like she was ready to end it all. But, she pushed on and began searching for a family to adopt her child. She found a couple on her own, without the help of an adoption agency. They seemed like a perfect fit. But, she walked away after noticing some red flags and realizing they hadn’t been completely honest with her.

At 6 months pregnant, Birth Mom “B” didn’t have a plan for what she was going to do with her babies.

Then, she called Texas Adoption Center.

When Texas Adoption Center Stepped In

“They are like angels, they came and saved me,” she said. Birth Mom “B” started working with her Adoption Specialist, Stacey, who helped her by taking her to doctors appointments.

“She was doing everything she needed to do for me to make sure I didn’t feel like I was by myself,” she said.

By the time Stacey told birth mom “B” it was time to choose a family, the two had built a strong relationship based on care and trust.

Choosing An Adoptive Family

Birth mom “B” fell in love with the first family Stacey showed her.

“They were exactly who I wanted,” she said. “Their tone, their background. They were the kind of people I grew up with when I was a child,” she said.”

After reading all about the adoptive parents, Birth mom “B” was sold. Stacey arranged a phone call with the couple, who were even more impressive than birth mom “B” imagined.

“I felt peace. I felt so good inside. I asked her, are these real people?” she said

Stacey and Texas Adoption Center helped birth mom “B” through the rest of her adoption journey. From meeting the adoptive parents in person, holding her hand through labor and delivery, and continuing to support and encourage her today.

How Is She Now? Strong and Motivated

Today, birth mom “B” says her adoption journey has made her stronger.

“I met so many amazing people through this journey and I’m inspired,” she said. “I’m so glad that I went the route that I did and I would tell anybody else that if they can’t do it, go through an agency like Texas Adoption Center because there you will find hope and support.”

She’s still dealing with the aftermath of her pregnancy with her family and working to get her post-pregnancy body back. But, birth mom “B” said she believes the best is yet to come.

“I didn’t think I was going to come out a winner at the end, but I’m winning,” she said.

At Texas Adoption Center, we help women like birth mom “B” through some of the most difficult periods of their life. We provide hope and relentless support because we know our birth mothers are some of the strongest, bravest, most inspiration women out there.

If you or anyone you know wants more information about their options during pregnancy or about adoption, call us today at 512.893.7943. We can’t wait to connect with you.