Finding the Best Amarillo Adoption Agencies

best amarillo adoption agencies

How do I find the best Amarillo Adoption Agencies?

Placing a child for adoption can be a difficult process but finding the right adoption center can make it significantly easier. Not all options are created equal and Amarillo adoption agencies all offer different services with varying strengths and weaknesses. Here are a few tips to help with your search for the perfect adoption center.

5 Tips to Find the Best Amarillo Adoption Agencies

Tip #1: Choose a Center That Is Licensed

To start the list, look for an adoption center that is licensed. This tip is important because only an experienced and knowledgable professional can help you appropriately navigate an adoption.

In addition, licensing requirements vary from state to state but generally include standards the agency must uphold to continue to operate. The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) takes responsibility for licensing adoption agencies in the state. If you have questions about the validity of a center’s licensing status, contact the DFPS and ask for help confirming or debunking the agency’s claims.

Tip #2: Choose a Center with Counseling Services

Because placing a child for adoption can be a hard decision to make, it’s important to have plenty of support behind you. Even more, it is especially important to attend counseling during and after the adoption takes place.

In this case, it is important to search for an Amarillo adoption agency that provides long-term counseling services. Again, the counseling personnel should be licensed to ensure that you are receiving the best services. Steer clear of adoption centers with vague promises instead of established support elements. In the end, it is important to receive appropriate information to help you through this difficult process.

Tip #3: Choose a Center that Offers Guidance

Sometimes adoption centers don’t provide help as much as they do one-sided advice. In this case, a less than desirable center may attempt to make a birth mother’s decision for her. Additionally, they may not provide her with information to make that decision herself.

Pick a center that emphasizes respecting the rights of birth parents. You deserve the chance to weigh your choices and choose the option that works best for you and your child. Adoption centers willing to discuss alternative options often provide a less biased and empowering experience than those that don’t.

Tip #4: Choose a Center Willing to Answer Questions

The adoption process is an intensely personal one. As a birth parent, you deserve constant support and transparency every step of the way.

The adoption center you choose should be willing to sit down and discuss your options with you in-depth. Their adoption specialists should answer your questions honestly, no matter how many of them you have. Don’t settle for an agency that makes you feel like a burden because you ask for information.

Tip #5: Ask Questions

This tip is briefly covered above, but it’s important enough to deserve its own section. Before you choose an adoption center with which to work, ask plenty of questions. Ask about the adoption process and what working with the center will be like. You might want to ask about any financial help the center provides and how adoptive families are selected. Ask about what happens after your child is placed, too.

Let us help you!

Texas Adoption Center has several resources and services available including counseling, financial services, housing and transportation assistance, and access to medical and health insurance. In addition, TAC has a team of licensed adoption specialists that can assist you in making the best decision for your situation.

If you are searching for Amarillo adoption agencies, consider Texas Adoption Center and give them a call at 512-983-7943.

Birth Mother Adoption Stories: Heartwarming Adoption Video

birth mother adoption stories

When it comes down to adoption stories, many people have a preconceived idea of what it may look like. Famous birth mother adoption stories that many may think come from popular adoption movies – like Juno or Paper Dream-as their frame of reference.

At the end of the day, adoption is an intricate process that differs from birth mother to birth mother. This delicate process is one that not many will understand unless they experience it themselves.

Recently, The Archibald Project was afforded the opportunity to capture the journey of a hopeful adoptive family and a brave birth mother.

The Archibald Project captures birth mother adoption stories and more to inspire a movement and grow a community of individuals to care for orphaned and vulnerable children.

The goal of the movement is to combat and end the global orphan crisis. In addition, to break down the preconceived ideas around placing a child for adoption and adoption in general.

In Texas, laws state that birth mothers cannot legally place her baby up until 48 hours after the birth of the baby. During this 48-hour window, the Project documented the selfless journey of both parties, and how they navigate the delicate situation.

Watch the touching birth mother adoption story of birth mother Dominique and adoptive family the Wall’s.

A Birth Mother Adoption Story


After discovering she was pregnant, birth mother Dominique made the decision to place her baby for adoption. To begin, she was apprehensive about placing her baby up for adoption, a feeling that many birth mothers recognize. However, a strong support system wholeheartedly backed her decision.

“There are so many people that I didn’t realize that would be there for me and would be so supportive of my situation,” Dominique said.

Furthermore, this feeling of apprehension was put to rest when she met the adoptive family.

“I can’t even put into words, Ally and Ryan are giving my baby something that I could never give him. It’s so overwhelming,” the birth mother said.


Because of Texas’ 48-hour law, Dominique spent valuable but difficult time with her baby. She comments several times that she does not want to grow attached to the baby. In addition, she even goes as far as to continuously reassure the adoptive family that she intends to proceed with the adoption.

In the end, Dominique leaves birth mothers with one piece of advice: don’t be scared. She admits the fear of not knowing what will happen next. Despite this, she knows that she gave her baby the best opportunity for a happy life.

“I am going into it joyful because he is so loved and he doesn’t even know it,” said Dominque.

“I will never regret this.”

Start Your Adoption Story

This touching story is one of the thousands of birth mother adoption stories that occur each year. Texas Adoption Center facilitates many adoption stories just like this! The Center has several resources and professionals that provide compassionate care for its clients. If you have questions about the adoption process or are ready to place your baby for adoption, contact us today by calling 844-893-7943 or sending a text message to 361-461-3742.

Placing a Baby With an Adoptive Family Without the Father’s Consent?

giving a baby up for adoption without the father consent

Can I place my baby for adoption without the father knowing?

Adoption and the processes that make a successful adoption possible can be overwhelming in itself. However, what happens when you add another layer of difficulty like the father’s consent?

Regardless of the situation, this can be a difficult reality to confront for many expecting mothers. However, the challenge should not deter the birth mother from seeking counsel with an adoption specialist or pursuing adoption. In fact, for many mothers, adoption may still be an option.

Stay tuned because we’re discussing the nuances of placing a baby with an adoptive family without the father’s consent.

Adoption Options Without Father’s Consent

Birth Mother Is Not Married

The fact is unplanned pregnancies do happen to people of all walks of life. Luckily, adoption does exist for those who aren’t prepared to become parents.

According to Texas adoption laws, birth mothers who are not married do NOT need the consent of the biological father.

Regardless, it is best practice is to notify the father of your adoption plans or allow the biological father the option to parent. However, in situations where you may not know who the father is or how to contact the father, this step may be overlooked.

In short, unmarried birth mothers do not need the consent of the biological father. Nevertheless, the birth mother should contact an adoption specialist to navigate placing a baby with an adoptive family without the father’s consent. In most cases, a specialist will be able to help contact the father or navigate whatever unique situation that arises.

Birth Mother Is Married

On the other hand, birth mothers who are married may have more hurdles to overcome in order to pursue adoption.

Under Texas adoption laws, biological or not, the birth mother’s spouse is presumed to be the father; thus, the husband is the legal father of the child. In addition, the legal father has all of the rights of a biological father.

Because of this, married mothers-to-be are legally required to notify and receive the consent of the husband to allow the adoption plan to move forward.

For separated, soon-to-be-divorced couples, or even birth mothers who’d rather not divulge these details, this can be a hard situation. Whatever the situation, contact an adoption specialist at Texas Adoption Center to determine the best course of action.

Reach Out to an Adoption Agency

As with all things, adoption can be a tricky subject to navigate alone. It is especially tricky when you add unforeseen or strenuous circumstances around the father’s consent.

Each circumstance is different and should be treated as such. Our adoption specialists at Texas Adoption Center are equipped with the right resources and knowledge to help you navigate through your options.

We know that it can be hard to know what to do, especially when it comes to who has to participate and be notified. For that reason, we are here to discuss all of this with you when you are ready in a judgment-free and caring way.

Texas Adoption Center works tirelessly with expectant parents and birth mothers to understand, represent, and support their decisions. If you have questions about placing a baby with an adoptive family without father’s consent, do not hesitate to call us at 844-893-7943 to speak to our Adoption Specialists. We are here for you!

Texas Adoption Statistics You Didn’t Know

texas adoption statistics

Am I making the right decision?

Adoption, in general, is surrounded by questions and uncertainty. How will you know that your child is doing well? Is adoption successful? Both questions are valid. In addition, they are common questions that Texas Adoption Center hears frequently.

It’s easy to say that adopted children are loved, and doing well with their adoptive families. With that said, some people feel better with definitive statistics from an objective source. Let’s take a look at some adoption statistics you probably haven’t heard.

Adoption Statistics

The statistics we’re looking at today come from the National Survey of Adoptive Parents (NSAP). This survey is the first large, nationally representative survey of adoptive families across adoption types.  A secondary sample focuses on adopted children with special health care needs. This survey was conducted by the Department of Health and Human Services in conjunction with the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE).

Adopted children are healthy

A large concern for birth parents is the overall health and happiness of the child. Birth parents will be happy to hear that, according to the NSAP, the vast majority of children placed in adoptive homes are doing well. They’re thriving, in fact, with at least 85% of them described as being in “excellent” or “very good” health. 

Adopted children build strong relationships

Not only are adopted children in good health – but they’re also building great relationships with their adoptive parents. The NSAP notes that at least 81% of the 91,642 adoptive parents surveyed say their relationship with their children is “very close.” In fact, the relationships are better than the adoptive families could have hoped. About 42% of those surveyed said their relationships were “better than ever expected.” Adopted children, by and large, enjoy incredibly close and warm relationships with their adoptive parents.

Adopted children are happy

One fear with adoption is that the child placed for adoption won’t be happy or thrive. However, it turns out that adopted children actually experience better relationships than many non-adopted children. The NSAP details a few different categories in which this is true. Roughly 68% of adopted children are likely to read books daily with their families. The average American child, on the other hand, is about 48% likely to be read to daily. Similarly, 73% of adopted children are told stories or sung to every day. 59% of children who are not adopted enjoy the same. 

Are Adopted Children in Texas Happy?

Keep in mind that the statistics above were gathered from a national survey. However, they are a positive indicator of adoption here in Texas. Adoptive families are thriving and excited to parent a child who is being placed for adoption. In fact, Texas Adoption Center has several excited families waiting for the opportunity to meet and become parent to a child.

If you or someone you may know have further questions about adoption in Texas or are ready to proceed with the adoption process, contact Texas Adoption Center today.

Adoptive Parent Quotes that Will Warm Your Heart

adoptive parent quotes

Placing a baby for adoption can be a difficult decision. The experts at Texas Adoption Center understand the concerns that birth mothers face. That’s we go out of our way to ensure that every placement is a perfect fit for birth mothers as well as babies.

We do this by compassionately moving through the adoption process and making sure that adoptive families are ready for their new addition.

Here are some adoptive parent quotes about their experience with Texas Adoption Center that will warm your heart.

Adoptive Parent Quotes That Will Warm Your Heart

Dedication, Experience, and Compassion

The staff at Texas Adoption Center places babies in homes with families that adore them. We make sure that every single baby will receive the love and support they deserve.

Stacey and Lindsay helped guide us through each step of the adoption process. As a result of their dedication, experience, and compassion, we now are parents to a beautiful baby girl. TAC truly exceeded our expectations. Every adoptive parent should consider TAC.” —Adoptive Parent, JD

Made Us Feel Supported and Cared For

Not only do we take great care of our adoptive families, but we also do everything we can to help birth mothers make a decision with which they’re comfortable. Our team wants everyone involved to complete the adoption process and go on to live healthy, happy lives.

The experience my husband and I had with Texas Adoption Center was amazing. The folks at TAC made us feel supported and cared for. Their team has a lot of experience and are clearly passionate about what they do. It’s evident that they have great respect for both the birth moms and those adopting and care deeply that a loving, healthy match is made.” –Adoptive Parent, “RR”

Our Best Advocate

The support we provide our birth parents and adoptive families alike is unparalleled. We stay with you every step of the way and give you the tools needed to make an informed decision.

During the rough times, [Texas Adoption Center] was by our side and would check in frequently just to see how we were holding up. They were our best advocate and gave us hope when we were ready to give up. [They] truly care about the adoptive family and birth parents.” –Adoptive Parent, “KT”

Make People’s Dreams Come True

Our sole goal is to create healthy, happy families. We make dreams come true and place babies with families who desperately want to give them the best life they possibly can.

I got so choked up this morning thinking about how one week ago I had no idea she even existed. From the moment we saw her, we couldn’t imagine our lives without her. Thank you all so much for the good and hard work you do. You literally make people’s dreams come true.” –Adoptive Mom, KG

Your Staff are Amazing

We help create strong and loving families. If you’re considering placing a baby for adoption, you don’t need to worry about their future – we pick families who will give them incredible love and care.

You and your staff are amazing. Just the other day I had the pleasure of explaining to some young people that baby “L” is my daughter. Yes, she is adopted, but she is just my daughter. Because she is. I love her so much.” –Adoptive Mom “S”

What do you think about these adoptive parent quotes? Reach out to Texas Adoption Center today for more information about how we can help you as you move through the adoption process.

Domestic Infant Adoption in Texas

domestic infant adoption texas

What is a domestic adoption anyway? How does it effect my baby and I?

There are several options to consider if you’ve decided to place your baby for adoption. Common factors include choosing an adoption agency and determining the adoptive family. However, many mothers do not consider whether domestic or international adoption is right for their situation.

What is domestic infant adoption?

According to American Adoptions, domestic adoption refers to the placement of American born infants for adoption by their birth parents. Both of whom consent to the adoption with an adoptive family of their choosing. On the other hand, international adoption facilitates the adoption of children from other countries.

While international adoption agencies provide needed services, there are benefits to choosing a domestic infant adoption agency. These include:

Simplified process

There is a good deal of paperwork involved in any adoption; however, international adoptions require copious amounts of paperwork from the adoption agency, and in some cases the governments of both countries involved. Additionally, because of the amount of paperwork and verifications required, international adoptions can be a time-consuming affair.

In comparison, domestic adoptions require less paperwork and are less complicated. In general, domestic adoption requires shorter wait times to begin and complete the adoption process. Because of this many birth mothers opt for domestic adoption.

Affordable Travel

Domestic adoption has its many advantages. The most apparent is that the travel distance is more manageable. Birth mothers who opt for domestic adoption, either within their state or another state, have a greater opportunity to be more involved in the adoption process.

In addition, in the event that the adoption is open, birth mothers have a greater opportunity to visit their children than if the child was placed abroad.

More Information and History

Birth mother may find that domestic adoptions yield greater amounts of information about the adopting family. In this case, the birth mother may want the most information possible like medical and family history to make the most informed decision about a potential adoptive family.

Oftentimes, international adoptions provide very little information about the adoptive family. This may leave the birth mother feeling uncomfortable and incapable of making a sound decision.

Open vs. Closed Adoption

If the birth mother prefers closed adoption, international adoption is often a viable choice. However, if the birth mother wishes to have an open adoption, domestic adoptions are usually easier to navigate.

International travel requires specified documents like a passport and visa. In addition, the birth mother may have to go out of her way to make arrangements to see the child. When you consider all of these factors, the mother may be limited to the number of times that they can visit the child because of travel obstacles compared to domestic adoption.


It is easy to see why birth mothers may prefer domestic adoptions over international adoption. Overall, they have great control over the process. In addition, the process is easier to understand and quicker to complete.

If you or someone you may know, still has questions about domestic adoptions or the adoption process contact Texas Adoption Center. Texas Adoption Center offers domestic infant adoption services that include programs for expectant mothers. Services include support from adoption specialist including emotional, financial, and medical support.

Call (844.893.7943) or text (361.461.3742) Texas Adoption Center to speak with an adoption specialist or begin the adoption process today.

Finding the Best Adoption Agencies in Fort Worth

best adoption agency fort worth

Where do I even start looking for a good adoption agency?

Are you considering placing your baby for adoption in the Fort Worth area? Choosing an adoption agency is an overwhelming decision. Likewise, with an abundance of promising adoption agencies flooding the market, it is difficult to decipher which will be the best for you and your baby.

To help ease your stress, we have listed a few factors to consider when researching adoption agencies in Fort Worth.

Find the Best Adoption Agency in Fort Worth

Local vs National Adoption Agencies

The first factor that a birth mother should consider when searching for an adoption agency is whether they would like to utilize a local or national adoption agency. National adoption agencies are typically large and provide adoption services across the country. In addition, national adoption agencies have a larger network of adoptive parents. Thus, the birth mother has has access to more adoptive families.

Local adoption agencies are smaller, more personal, and generally, work with birth mothers and adoptive families within one state. Let’s look at some benefits of opting for a local agency.

Level of Interaction

Birth mothers placing their babies for adoption must consider the level of interaction that they want during the adoption agency and family. This factor especially pertains to the level of communication that the birth mother expects from the agency and adoption family. The level of communication depends on both the agency, and whether the agency is local or national.

With this in mind, local agencies tend to provide more one-on-one time with adoption specialists. Due to this extra time spent between adoption specialists and the birth mother and adoptive families, the adoption process is generally more relaxed and allows for families and birth mothers to form more intimate relationships. In comparison, the adoption process at a national adoption may feel impersonal

Agency Availability

Availability is another factor that birth mothers should consider when finding an adoption agency in Fort Worth. In general, national agencies generally have more availability and shorter wait times. In addition, as stated before, national agencies have a great network of adoptive families. With this in mind, the birth mother can choose from a greater selection of families that they deem suitable.

On the other hand, local agencies may be limited to the number of clients that they accept during a given timeframe. In most cases, this is to preserve the quality of care that birth mother and adoptive family receive. Some birth mothers may decide that the added personal interaction with the local agency makes up for these things. In addition, local agencies will often work with families to find birth mothers across the country.


You and your baby deserve the best health care available. The decision to place your baby for adoption is a difficult decision; however, the right adoption agency can ease the stress. Texas Adoption Center has a team of adoption specialists and services to support you and your child through the adoption process.

If you think that choosing one of the adoption agencies in Fort Worth, Texas might be right for you, Texas Adoption Center is a good place to start. Call or text today to begin your journey of finding the perfect match. 844.893.7943 (phone) and 361.461.3742 (text).

I Need Someone to Adopt my Baby – Let Us Help

i need someone to adopt my baby

What will my friends and family think? How does adoption even work? What do I do? 

We understand that the realization of an unplanned pregnancy can be overwhelming. But even as you weigh your options and search “I need someone to adopt my baby”, we will tell you one thing. You are not alone. You have options. And you will be okay.

It is perfectly expected to feel a mix of emotions – fear, sadness, worry, and stress. First of all, remember that placing your baby for adoption is a courageous act that helps you give them the best start for a bright future. Rather than “giving up” your baby for adoption, you are giving them a life of opportunities.

Second, many mothers find it calming to learn more about the adoption process as a whole. We connect you with the perfect family for your baby that will love and care for him or her unquestionably. Texas Adoption Center offers an incredible support system with an Adoption Specialist and adoptive family there along the way.

“I need someone to adopt my baby”

Here are the steps to take when asking yourself, “What do I do when I need someone to adopt my baby?

If You’re Currently Pregnant

Step #1: Reach Out

If you are pregnant and are considering adoption, the first step is to reach out to a loving Adoption Specialist. From here, she will listen to your personal situation, and of course, all the wishes you have for your baby. Every expectant mother faces different circumstances. At Texas Adoption Center, we will listen closely to your story and from there, help you design the perfect adoption plan.

Step #2: Design Your Adoption Plan!

Since the Adoption Specialists believe that you know what is best for your baby, you will steer the process! While we are always there to help you and inform you of your options, we empower you to make your own choices. To design the adoption plan, we will navigate the following:

  • Choose Type of Adoption Plan: The first decision you get to make is what kind of adoption plan you would like – open, semi-open, or closed. This all depends on how much interaction, communication, or contact you want with the adoptive family. For more information, click here.
  • Pick an Adoptive Family: The second part, and oftentimes the favorite, is picking a family. Of course, if you would rather us choose for you, we would be happy to. However, most birth mothers love being a part of this decision. We will provide you with picture after picture and story after story of each loving family to help with your choice.
  • Make a Hospital Plan: Now, it is time to choose how your time at the hospital will be spent. Since Texas Law determines that you have to wait 2 days before signing over parental rights, you have 48 hours to work with. Do you wish to spend it with your baby? With the adoptive family and your baby? Or do you want the adoptive family to have alone time with the baby? The choice is yours.
  • After-Delivery Plan: Your after-delivery plan ties back to whether you want an open, semi-open, or closed adoption. Although many moms wish to stay in contact with the family, others do not. The choice is up to you.

Step #3: Additional Assistance

Another step of this process is mapping out where you may need extra assistance. We understand that you need support with everyday matters. You need safe housing and transportation to and from pregnancy-related errands.  You need access to medical care and health insurance to have a healthy (and stress-free) pregnancy. And lastly, you need a supportive group of women to cheer you on, help you through the hard times, and support you unconditionally.

Texas Adoption Center is here through every step.

I’ve Already Delivered

Sometimes, the realization that you need a family for your baby comes after delivery. Perhaps, you may not have known where to turn until now. Regardless of how you got here, that is completely okay. It may not be too late!

The process of adoption for mothers who have already delivered is very similar to the steps described above in the “I’m Pregnant” section. We want to hear your story, help you create the best adoption plan for you and your baby, and support you in every way that we can.

The Texas Adoption Center

When you reach out to Texas Adoption Center, you are instantly accepted into our family. Chat with one of our Adoption Specialists anytime at 844-893-7943. You can also send a text to 361-461-3742. We can’t wait to help you get the answers you need and surround you with support.

How Does Giving A Baby Up for Adoption Work? | Your Step-by-Step Guide

how does giving a baby up for adoption work

How does giving a baby up for adoption work?

This is one of the most common questions that we get from birth mothers. It’s a good question. The process can seem daunting at first, especially if you’re still in the mindset that adoption means “giving up” your child as opposed to placing them in a loving and caring home.

The experienced adoption specialists at Texas Adoption Center can help. Let’s take a look at how adoption works, step-by-step.

How Does Giving A Baby Up for Adoption Work? | Step-by-Step Guide

Take the First Step

The first step, after you’ve decided that adoption is the best choice for you, is to reach out to a local adoption center. You want to pick a center that you feel comfortable with – one that has a history of working closely with their birth mothers to ensure that all parties involved in the adoption are happy and content.

A local adoption center like Texas Adoption Center offers personalized care from experienced professionals who want to empower you to make the best decision for your life. Reaching out to the adoption center of your choice is the best way to get the adoption process started.

Design Your Adoption Plan

There are three different types of adoptions from which to choose. This includes open, semi-open, and closed.

Open Adoptions

Open adoptions, as the name implies, are adoptions where the communication and relationship between birth mother and adoptive parents is an open one. You have the chance to build a relationship with the adoptive family on your own terms and decide how you want the adoption to proceed. For some birth mothers, that means visiting the child in person. For others, it means receiving letters or emails, or even regular text messages, with updates.

Semi-Open Adoptions

This kind of adoption is similar to open adoptions, but the relationship once the child is placed is a bit different. Instead of direct communication and potentially in-person visits, semi-open adoptions include the possibility of letter or picture updates instead.

Closed Adoptions

Closed adoptions are a bit different. An adoption specialist generally chooses the right fit for your baby in closed adoptions, and you have minimal contact with the potential adoptive family. Note that this is by your choice – you get to decide how you want the process to proceed.

Once you know the best adoption for you, it’s time to move on to the next step.

Choose a Family

Now you understand how the process works and what to expect depending upon the type of adoption you pick, but how do you find a family? Well, Texas Adoption Center happens to work with incredible families who want nothing more than to adopt. You’ll get as much information as you’d like in order to pick potential families. Once you decide, you can start getting to know them (if you’d like – it’s all up to you). You can see some of our families here.

Next Steps

When you’ve planned the adoption process and have a family lined up, it’s time to focus on staying as healthy and happy as possible. If that means that you need help getting to or from doctor’s appointments or need help covering medical expenses, Texas Adoption Center can help.


Are you thinking about placing your baby for adoption? The adoption specialists at Texas Adoption Center are here to support you. Reach out to us for more information and to get the adoption process started.